Nicolaus Copernicus
He studied liberal arts, he was never married, he was a mathematic -
Francis Bacon
he served as attorney general, he served as lord of chancellor, and he created the bacon method -
Galileo Galilei
He was a college dropout, he didn't invent the telescope, and his daughter was nuns -
Rene Descartes
he had the idea of god, he had the idea of mind, and the idea of body -
Isaac Newton
he has 2 birthdays, he almost gave up his education, and an apple never actually never fell on his head -
John Locke
he was an English philosopher, he advocated for natural rights, and he was never married and he also had no children -
he was a French lawyer, who shaped the modern democratic government, and he believed in the separation of powers -
Denis Diderot
he spent 3 months in jail, he lived in poverty for nearly his entire life, and he was most famous for Encyclopédie -
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
he died when he was 66, he was the least academic of the modern philosophers, but in many ways, he was the most influential -
he wrote more than 2 thousand books, he was one of the first successful authors internationally, and he was 83 when he died -
James Watt
he made a mathematical equation for pulling horses, he invented the watt steam engine, and he was 83 when he died -
Adam Smith
he never knew his birthday, he was raised by his mother, and there was a asteroid named after him -
George Washington
was born at Popes Creeks in 1732, he led an attack that started a world war, -
Thomas Jefferson
he was an inventor, lawyer, and an educator -
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
he wrote his first composition at just 4 years old, he was a musical prodigy, and his grave is still unknown til this day -
Maximillien Robespierre
born in France on May 6, 1758, he studied law, and he was a key figure in the French revolution in 1789 -
Miguel Hidalgo
he was a Mexican priest, teacher, and freethinker -
Simon Bolivar
successfully made the effort to make South America independent from Spain, he was one of the most predominate political figures, and he fought in more that 200 battles