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Kings 1

Kings of Israel

  • 1400 BCE

    Samuel and God

    Samuel and God
    God was calling to Samuel over and over one night, and Samuel thought it was Eli. Eli told him to go to bed and told him it is God speaking to him. So the next time God called to Samuel, Samuel said, "Here I am."
  • 1350 BCE

    Jonathan defeats a garrison of Philistines

    Jonathan defeats a garrison of Philistines
    Jonathan defeats a garrison of philistines while the Israelites helped him..
  • 1300 BCE

    David and Bathsheba

    David and Bathsheba
    David saw a woman bathing and wanted her so he took her in and lay with her. Before long, she got pregnant with Solomon.
  • Period: 1129 BCE to 1017 BCE


    Samuel was a very wise priest who had the chance to crown and anoint Saul king. He also was called up by a median when Saul wanted to speak with the dead.
  • 1120 BCE

    Samuel is called up by a median

    Samuel is called up by a median
    Saul went to a median in disguise to get advice from the dead. And the median called up Samuel and Samuel is not too happy about being disturbed.
  • Period: 1090 BCE to 970 BCE


    David was a mighty guy. He even defeated the giant Philistine, Goliath. He even escaped death too. Saul tried to kill him twice, but David escaped and fled. He was also great friends with Jonathan, who loved him as his own son.
  • Period: 1082 BCE to 1010 BCE


    Saul was a very good king in the beginning, but his downfall began when he became prideful. He became a very unforgiving man who ended up killing himself in battle.
  • Period: 1062 BCE to 1010 BCE


    Jonathan was David's best friend from the moment he met him, to the moment he died. He was a willing helper and was always there for David. But he did not approve of Saul trying to kill his best friend after all, Saul was his father.
  • 1043 BCE

    Samuels's Death

    Samuels's Death
    Samuel died, and all the people of Israel mourned and cried for him, and buried him in Desert of Maon.
  • 1024 BCE

    Saul tries to kill David

    Saul tries to kill David
    David was playing the Lyre for Saul and Saul got angry at David and threw a spear at him, but David ducked 3 times and missed it by inches. He fled later that night.
  • 1020 BCE

    David and Goliath

    David and Goliath
    David and goliath were enemies because he was a philistines. No one wanted to fight him, but David. So David killed him with a stone and a slingshot.
  • 1020 BCE

    David's charge

    David's charge
    David commands to gather the resident aliens who were in the land of Israel. David provided materials in a great quantity, before his death.
  • 1012 BCE

    Jonathan and the honey

    Jonathan and the honey
    Saul made a rule to fast one day. But Jonathan never heard of it. and he went upon honey and dipped his staff in it and ate it.
  • 1012 BCE

    Solomon is anointed king

    Solomon is anointed king
    Solomon is anointed king. Adonijah is not happy that Solomon is king and he himself is not. So he flees to the tabernacle. Solomon set for Adonijah, and sends him home.
  • 1010 BCE

    David's death

    David's death
    David dies and is buried in in the city of David. And all the people of Israel wept and mourned for him.
  • 1008 BCE

    Saul's Death

    Saul's Death
    Saul was in battle with his armor bearer. He wanted his armorbearer to kill him, but the armorbearer wouldn't. So Saul fell upon his own sword in a form of suicide.
  • 1000 BCE

    David's last sin

    David's last sin
    David wanted to number out the people in an army. But God did not like that he did it. So David got to chose from 3 different punishments .He chose to have a sickness for 3 days. Then he offered up an offering to God and the plague went away.
  • Period: 989 BCE to 1080 BCE


    Solomon is a very wise king, who was very rich and had many many wives. He was David's son.
  • 970 BCE

    Saul anointed king

    Saul anointed king
    Saul is in a meeting with Samuel, and Samuel wants Saul to be the next king, so he crowns Saul king.
  • 970 BCE

    Abishag and David

    Abishag and David
    Abishag is David's hospice care worker. Bathsheba comes in and tell them news. But David isn't sure whether not to believe it or not.
  • 963 BCE

    Ark brought into the Temple

    Ark brought into the Temple
    Solomon invited all the Israelites and elders. Then the priests brought up the Ark of the Covenant. While they did that, other priests began to bless the people who were watching and standing. They began to dedicate the Temple to God by bring the Ark into the Holy of Holies.
  • 958 BCE

    Solomon's Temple

    Solomon's Temple
    Hiram who was king of Tyre, sent his servants to Solomon when he heard that they had anointed him in the place of his father. Hiram begins to help Solomon build the temple.
  • 950 BCE

    Solomon's wealth

    Solomon's wealth
    Solomon's provision for one day was 3,300 2 liters of flour, 6,600 liters of corn meal, ten fat oxen: 30 freezer full of meat, one hundred sheep, thirty cows, deer and gazelle and antelope.
  • 950 BCE

    Solomon prays for wisdom

    Solomon prays for wisdom
    God gave Solomon anything he wanted by asking him to pray for anything. But all Solomon wanted was wisdom. So he prayed for it, and God gave to him.
  • 950 BCE

    Solomon's wisdom

    Solomon's wisdom
    Two prostitutes came to Solomon fighting over a baby. the first woman had laid on her baby and had killed her baby. The other one had no child. They were both arguing over the son. So Solomon decided to cut the baby in half to see who would be the real mother. As he was about to slice the baby, one of the woman cried out to him to stop and then Solomon knew this was the real mother.
  • 945 BCE

    Solomon worships at Gibeon

    Solomon worships at Gibeon
    Solomon spoke to all Israel and also all the commanders. Solomon went up to the bronze alter before God, which was at the tent of meeting, and offered a thousand burnt offerings on it.
  • 945 BCE

    Rehoboam's Battle

    Rehoboam's Battle
    Rehoboam was going to battle against Jerusalem. He also put very heavy labor works on the people of Israel.
  • 944 BCE

    Solomon given wealth

    Solomon given wealth
    Solomon gathered together chariots and horsemen. He had a total of 1,400 chariots and 12,000 horsemen, who he stationed in chariot cities. He also ordered 600 shekels of silver and bought a horse for 150 shekels of silver.
  • 943 BCE

    Queen of Sheba

    Queen of Sheba
    She was a very famous person. She came to Solomon and gave him all her questions, and he answered them all. when she saw how wise he was, she was very happy. And Solomon gave her anything that she desired. So in return she gave him 120 talents of gold and many, many spices.
  • 935 BCE

    Jeroboam the servant

    Jeroboam the servant
    He met Alijah after running away from Solomon. Alijah cut his robe and told Jeroboam to take ten pieces. So he did. Solomon wants to kill Jeroboam but he flees to Egypt. Solomon reigned over Israel l for 40 years. Rehoboam becomes king next.
  • 935 BCE

    Jeroboam's idols

    Jeroboam's idols
    The people of Israel had Adoram stoned because he was a tax collector. He then gathered 180,000 warriors to destroy the kingdom of Rehoboam. His father was Solomon.
  • 931 BCE

    Solomon's downfall

    Solomon's downfall
    Solomon loved many wives. He also had Pharaoh's daughter. He had a total of 700 wives who were princesses, and 300 concubines. And his wives had turned his heart to their idols. and he did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord. He also worshipped the 2 worst idols there are in all Scripture. And still does not worship God, and turn away from his idols.
  • 930 BCE

    Rehoboam's Revolt

    Rehoboam's Revolt
    Israel asked him to free them but he refused to. So they decided to make Rehoboam's yoke much heavier so he would respect them.
  • 930 BCE

    Jeroboam's son gets sick

    Jeroboam's son gets sick
    He sent his disguised wife to Alijah that prophesied Jeroboam would be king. Dogs will eat Jeroboam's body and all Israel will mourn for him.
  • Period: 930 BCE to 913 BCE


    Rehoboam was an evil man. He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.
  • Period: 929 BCE to 927 BCE


    He was an evil king and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord
  • 927 BCE

    Man of God confronts Jeroboam

    Man of God confronts Jeroboam
    A man from Judah came to Jeroboam to talk to him one day. Jeroboam was standing by the alter when the man cried out and told Jeroboam that a son would be born and would make sacrifices on that alter. Jeroboam cried out to his guards to seize him. But when he tried to grab the man /prophet, his arm shriveled up. He begged for healing and God did heal him. But the man refused to eat with Jeroboam.
  • Period: 927 BCE to 902 BCE


    He was an evil king and did what was even more evil in the sight of the Lord.
  • Period: 913 BCE to 910 BCE


    Abijam is the same as Abijah. But they are a bit different because there names do not match up. He was an evil king who worshipped idols. He also battled with Jeroboam and traps Jeroboam while saying a speech. His son is Asa.
  • Period: 912 BCE to 870 BCE


    Asa reined after Abijah. He is a very good king. He turned away from idols and turned them into a sin. His mother is basically a witch. He also goes to war with Ethiopia and then fights Jeroboam again. He goes to Ben had ad to help him to attack Israel. Syria wins. But God is not happy and punishes him by giving a disease in his feet. His son is Rehoboam.
  • 910 BCE

    Elisha and the battle of Syria

    Elisha and the battle of Syria
    The Syrians were coming to attack the Israelites and to kill Elisha because of how powerful he was. A servant came to him and told him that the chariots of Syria were surrounding them. The servant thought they were done for and that 2 against tens of thousands was not going to end well. Elisha cast out onto the Syrians and they were instantly blinded. Then he led them to a city, fed them and sent them home to their master. After that, they were able to see again.
  • Period: 910 BCE to 799 BCE


    Elisha was an amazing prophet that provided many many miracles. He was follower and did what was good in God's eyes.
  • Period: 904 BCE to 850 BCE


    Elijah was a very powerful prophet of God, who flew up in chariots of fire into heaven and was friends with Elisha who clung to him.
  • Period: 903 BCE to 901 BCE


    Was a evil king and did what was even worse in the sight of the Lord.
  • Period: 901 BCE to 901 BCE


    Was a very very evil king and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.
  • Period: 901 BCE to 889 BCE


    Was a bad king and did what was horrible in the sight of the Lord.
  • 890 BCE

    The Widow's Flour and Oil

    The Widow's Flour and Oil
    A widow was out of flour and oil. But Elijah came along to help. He gave her everlasting flour and oil till the ending of the drought. But her son got very sick, and died. So Elijah went up with him and brought him back to life.
  • 890 BCE

    Naboth and the vineyard

    Naboth and the vineyard
    Naboth had a very fine vineyard. Ahab came up to him and asked him to give him his vineyard in return for a vegetable garden. But Naboth refused, so Ahab went home and pouted on his bed till his wife did something about him. Eventually some men Ahab got together, came and killed Naboth, so Ahab could get his vineyard.
  • Period: 889 BCE to 866 BCE


    Was a bad king and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.
  • Period: 878 BCE to 852 BCE


    He is the son of Jehoram, and was 22 years old when he began to reign. But he was very evil and did what was bad in the Lord's ways. He went to war against Hazel king of Syria at Ramoth-Gilead.
  • Period: 870 BCE to 848 BCE


    He was a very good king who worshipped God and made sure everybody else did too.
  • Period: 867 BCE to 806 BCE


    He was an evil king and also murdered babies from pregnant woman. He also killed his father, Ben-hahdad.
  • 852 BCE

    Jehoshaphat's battle

    Jehoshaphat's battle
    3 other kings wanted to go to battle with him. But Jehoshaphat was scared. So he prayed to God to help him and he did. They went into battle and sung praise and worship and the enemy turned against each other and killed each other so not a man was left to flee or live. they fought at Mount Seir.
  • Period: 849 BCE to 842 BCE

    Jehoram of Judah

    He was a king of Judah who tricked the Moabites into thinking the Israelites were dead then attacked and defeated the Moabites. He made the valley full of blood to make the Moabites think the Israelites were dead but in reality, were just camping there the whole time! He is Ahaziah's father, and is Jehoshaphat's son.
  • 843 BCE

    Jehu kills all the descendants of Ahab

    Jehu kills all the descendants of Ahab
    A servant of a king was sent to Jehu, but said more than needed. Jehu was instructed to kill all the family and descendants of Ahab because of how bad he was. So he killed all of them including Jezebel.
  • Period: 843 BCE to 836 BCE


    She was a very bad queen. When she heard her son had been killed, she wiped out all of Judah, and there was darkness for 6 years. But one person had been spared by Jehoabeath, Athaliah's grandchild. He was Jehoash.
  • Period: 842 BCE to 814 BCE


    He was a very good and very bad king. He was very thorough with his killings and also is a picture of God's judgment.
  • Period: 836 BCE to 796 BCE

    Jehoash of Judah

    He was a very good king and did what was good in the Lord's eyes, because Jehoiada the high priest instructed him. He was also only 7 years old when he began to reign. He also repaired the temple. When he died, he was buried in the City of David.
  • Period: 813 BCE to 795 BCE

    Jehoahaz of Iseral

    He was very evil in the sight of the lord. His father was Jehu. His army got diminished to the point where there was hardly no army left. He called out to God, and God provided. But after went back to idol worship.
  • 796 BCE

    Jehoash of Judah kills Zachariah

    Jehoash of Judah kills Zachariah
    He was a good king who started out good but ended very poorly. He was going to repair the temple after the Baal incident with Jehu, when a servant told him something that made him mad. He killed Jehoiada who was his father/ uncle. And in the temple! His servants did not like this so when Jehoash was near death, they killed him.
  • Period: 796 BCE to 780 BCE

    Jehoash of Isarel

    He was a bad king who did what was bad in the sight of the Lord. He did not depart from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat. He slept with his fathers and Jeroboam sat on his throne. He was buried in Samaria with the kings of Israel.
  • Period: 794 BCE to 765 BCE

    Amaziah of Judah

    He was 25 years old when he began to reign. And he was a very good king, and did what was right in the Lord's eyes. He did all the things Jehoash's father did. He also sent messengers to Jehoash to see him face to face. he also battled with Jehoash king of Judah and was badly defeated. He lived 15 years after the death of Jehoash king of Israel. He was put to death in Lachish.
  • Period: 779 BCE to 737 BCE

    Jeroboam the 2nd in Israel

    He was a bad king and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He restored the border of Israel from Leo-Hamath as far as the Sea of Arabah. God saw there was affliction in Israel and saved them from the hand of Jeroboam the son of Jehoash.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 753 BCE

    Shallum of Israel

    He was the son of Jabesh and reigned in the 39th year of Uzziah. then Menahem came and struck him down in Samaria and reigned in his place.
  • Period: 752 BCE to 700 BCE

    Azariah of Judah

    Began to reign in the 27th year of Amaziah. He was 16 when he began to reign. His mother was Jecoliah of Jerusalem. And he was a very good king and did what was good in the sight of the Lord. But he did not take the high places away. And people sacrifice and did offerings there, so God touched him and he became a leper till the end of his days. He died, and was buried in the City of David where his fathers were buried.
  • Period: 750 BCE to 740 BCE

    Menahem of Judah

    He was a very bad king and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He reigned 10 years in Samaria. He also ripped open all the pregnant women. He also exacted the money from Israel, that came from all the wealthy. And he died and Pekahiah reigned in his place.
  • Period: 734 BCE to 705 BCE

    Hezekiah of Judah

    He was 25 years old when he began to reign, and reigned 29 years. He was a good king and did what was right in the Lord's eyes. His mother's name was Abi, the daughter of Zechariah.
  • Period: 731 BCE to 711 BCE

    Pekah of Israel

    He was a bad king and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. But Hoshea son of Elah conspired against him and killed him.
  • 729 BCE

    Hezekiah's Passover

    Hezekiah's Passover
    He got all the people in Jerusalem to plan an assembly and the king was alright with that. They slaughtered the Passover lamb on the 14th day of the second month. They were ashamed with what they had done, so they brought burnt offerings to the Lord. then all of Judah and Jerusalem all rejoiced and celebrated the Lord. Then the priests rose up and blessed all the people.
  • Period: 728 BCE to 726 BCE

    Pekahiah of Israel

    He was a bad king and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. But then Remaliah his captain conspired against him and killed him, taking the throne himself.
  • 724 BCE

    Hezekiah's battle with the Assyrian's

    Hezekiah's battle with the Assyrian's
    Sennacherib came one day to invade Judah. Hezekiah planned with his officers and mighty men, to stop the water in the springs. He also began making many weapons and abundance. He also built many walls around his city. but they were still coming. So Hezekiah prayed to God, and God ruined all the mighty men of Assyria.
  • 721 BCE

    Hezekiah gets sick

    Hezekiah gets sick
    After the battle against Assyria, Hezekiah fell sick. A servant of god came to him in bed one day and told him he would die. As soon as the servant left, he wept bitterly. And he cried out to God, and God spared him 15 years. And Hezekiah asked God for a sign. So God turned back the sun ten hours!
  • Period: 720 BCE to 711 BCE

    Hoshea of Israel

    He was a bad king and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. But Shalmaneser king of Assyria came up against him. the king of Assyria captured him and all of Israel. the king of Assyria bound Hoshea up and took him to prison.
  • Period: 714 BCE to 714 BCE

    Zechariah of Israel

    He reigned over Israel for 6 months and was a very bad king. He also did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He also did not depart from Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which had made Israel sin. Shallum the son of Jabesh conspired against him and struck him down Ibleam.
  • Period: 711 BCE to 659 BCE

    Uzziah of Judah

    Uzziah was good king and did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. God helped him defeat the Philistines and he did many other good things. But he had one mistake. He burned incense in the temple of God. Only high priest were allowed to do that. When 80 and more came into the temple to confront him, he became angry and was punished by god by getting Leprosy. All the rest of his days were spent alone with leprosy.
  • Period: 706 BCE to 651 BCE

    Manasseh of Judah

    He was 12 years old when he began to reign. He erected alters Baal that his father Hezekiah had destroyed. He dealt with demonic witchcraft, filled Jerusalem with blood, had violent sexual immorality, and sacrificed children. God was done with him, so God sold him to Assyria where he was tortured. Then they sent him to Babylon, where he humbled himself greatly before God. So God let him go home to Jerusalem where he built up all the places he had destroyed before.
  • Period: 659 BCE to 643 BCE

    Jotham of Judah

    He was a very good king and did what was right in the Lord's eyes. He also didn't have anything bad said about him in the bible. And he also fought many wars and built many good cities. He died and was buried in the City of David.
  • 651 BCE

    Josiah rips all idols down

    Josiah rips all idols down
    In his first year as a king, when he was 8, Josiah loved the God of David the king who killed Goliath, so he chopped down the alters of Baal and cut down the incense alters that hung above them. He burned the bones of the priests on their alters and cleansed Judah and Jerusalem. Then he beat the Asherim and the images into powder and cut down all the incense alters throughout all the land of Israel. then he returned to Jerusalem.
  • Period: 651 BCE to 649 BCE

    Amon of Judah

    He was 22 years old when he began to reign. He reigned 2 years. And he did what was evil in the sight of the Life. He sacrificed to all the sins that his father Manasseh had done before his repentance. His own servants conspired against him and put him to death in his own home. Hiss son Josiah reigns in his place next.
  • Period: 650 BCE to 619 BCE

    Josiah of Judah

    He was 8 years old when he began to reign. His mother's name was Jedidah the daughter of Adaiah. He did what was good in the eyes of the Lord. Except Hilkiah found the book of the law. Huldah prophecies the destruction of Jerusalem. Josiah read the book of the covenant of the Lord before all the inhabitants of Jerusalem and Judah. The Passover consisted of them eating unleavened bread.
  • Period: 643 BCE to 627 BCE

    Ahaz of Judah

    He was 22 years old when he began to reign. He was also a very bad king and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. Syria came to attack Israel. Israel went the captives back to Syria. His punishment was that Syria, Assyria, and Israel would defeat him and his army.
  • 635 BCE

    Josiah's death in battle

    Josiah's death in battle
    Pharaoh Neco king of Egypt went up against the king of Assyria, at the river of Euphrates. But Pharaoh killed Josiah as soon as he saw him. So his servants carried him dead in a chariot from Megiddo back to Jerusalem where they buried him in his own tomb. And they made him king in his father's place.
  • 633 BCE

    Josiah repairs the Temple

    Josiah repairs the Temple
    The king Josiah sent Shapan the son of Azaliah to the house of the Lord to tell him that he had to count the money from the people of Israel. that money that would be collected from the people would be given to the workmen that lived at the hose of the Lord, so that they could buy supplies to help fix up the Temple.
  • Period: 621 BCE to 610 BCE

    Jehoiakim of Judah

    He was 25 years old when he began to reign and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. The king of Babylon came up and made Jehoiakim his servant for 3 years. But he turned against him and rebelled. He filled Jerusalem with blood and died.
  • Period: 620 BCE to 620 BCE

    Jehoahaz of Judah

    He was 23 when he began to reign. His mother's name was Hamutal daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. And he was a bad king and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. But Pharaoh sent him away .
  • Period: 610 BCE to 610 BCE

    Jehoiachin of Judah

    He was 18 years old when he began to reign. He was a bad king and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. but the king of Babylon took him for prisoner on his 8th year.
  • Period: 610 BCE to 599 BCE

    Zedekiah of Judah

    He was 21 years old when he began to reign and he was a bad king and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He became so bad, that Judah and Jerusalem cast them out from their presence. and he lived to rebel against the king of Babylon. .
  • 600 BCE

    Gedaliah killed as governor

    Gedaliah killed as governor
    Gedaliah was crowned governor over Judah. On his 7th month 10 men of the royal family came and killed him.
  • 600 BCE

    Jehoiachin released from prison

    Jehoiachin released from prison
    A new king came to reign and graciously decided to release him from prison. He was kind to him and gave Jehoiachin food and a daily allowance for his everyday needs. Jehoiachin gets to sit a the king's table everyday.