WWI Timeline

  • The Assination of Franz Ferdinand

    The Assination of Franz Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo. Franz was riding in an open-topped car with his wife Sophie. He was waiting at a stop when an attacker named Nedjelko Cabrinovic threw a grenade at the car. The grenade hit the car and bounced off behind them and missed. But then when they were visiting the hospital to check to see if one of the officers is injured, the driver went in the wrong direction when a boy named Gavrilo Princip came up to the couple's car and shot them in the head.
  • The Battle of Ypres

    The Battle of Ypres
    The Battle of Ypres started in West Flanders, Belgium. The Germans tried to break threw allied lines and take France's ports to gain access to the North Sea. The was horrible and bloody, during the war 54,000 Britsh, 50,000 French and 20,000 Belgian soldiers were killed, wounded, or missing. During the war, Trenchwarfe was introduced which became commonplace along the Western Front. The Battle ended in a stalemate.
  • The Sinking of the Lusitana

    The Sinking of the Lusitana
    Germany sinks the HMS Lusitania. German U-Boat Torpeoded the British-owned ship and killed 1,195 people, including 128 Americans. The ship was 32,000 tons and was carrying 173 tons of war munitions and sank in 20 min. The ship sank because it was in German territory.
  • The Battle of Somme

    The Battle of Somme
    The Battle of Somme took place. The war caused more than a million causalities 400,000 being dead or missing. The war lasted 141 days. The war remains one of the deadliest wars in human history. Within the first hour of the war, 20,000 were dead or missing and 40,000 were wounded
  • Edgar D. Andrews

    Edgar D. Andrews
    Edgar Andrews fought in WWI. Edgar was in the army.
  • The Battle of Passchendaele

    The Battle of Passchendaele
    The battle of Passchendaele was the third battle fought in Ypres. It was described as the blindest struggle of a blind war. The war had 150,000 total deaths. The Allies won the war.
  • Letter to His Mom

    Letter to His Mom
    He sent a letter to his mom that he arrived in France but had no clue where he is in France. He said the trip was fine and that they are still on the ship waiting for commands.
  • Letter to His Dad

    Letter to His Dad
    He sent a letter to his father saying that the war could be worse and thought it will get worse. Also that he has a broken rib and that it feels better. He broke it from rounding up horses and it kicked him. He went to the doctor and found out it was broken and that he had an ingrown toenail and a cold in his mind. Finally, he said there is a task for a person like him.
  • Letter to His Mom

    Letter to His Mom
    He sent a letter to his mom and said that he is still in France and has been working hard with other people. He also said that the mail has been delayed and is getting mad, but if he gets it by Christmas he will be happy. The headquarters have been broken into. He also said he would like to be home for the winter.
  • Letter to His Sister Sue

    Letter to His Sister Sue
    He sent a letter to his sister Sue. He said he feels like the war is never going to stop. Also that the mail has not been given to him for 2 weeks. He is on guard for the night. He is still in France and would like to see tube Eiffel tower but thinks he might not get to it.
  • Another Letter to Sue

    Another Letter to Sue
    He sent a letter to his sister Sue. He said he received all of the bundles they have sent him and that they remind him of home. The other soldiers seem happy and most of them would give up pay to go back home. Also to have Pa write him a letter.