• Frank Woodruff

    Frank Woodruff
    Frank Woodruff was a POW in the war and he was wanting to go into the army, but they were concerned about his real age and hight.
  • Period: to


    The beginning and end of the first world war
  • Frank Woodruff

    He wanted to go into the war because he was interested in the war
  • Sides of the war

    There was a strong divide between the American people in their option in weather we could or shouldn’t go to war
  • Sides of the war

    Others were more concerned about what America should stay neutral in the war and the world's desitions and that we should worry more about ourselves.
  • Sides of the war

    Sides of the war
    Some thought that the US was ready to show that they were powerful and world power. That they should be able to make world desitions.
  • Frank Woodruff

    During the summer of 1917, he went to a fair in Wichita, Kansas were he then tries and signs up for the marines but he wasn’t old enough.
  • Frank Woodruff

    Frank drove an ambulance during his time in the war. There were no casualties in his unit which was a good thing.
  • Frank Woodruff

    His time in Germany was much more intense than his time in France. He had to be much more alert and aware of his surroundings.
  • Frank Woodruff

    He was eventually was honorably discharged from the army on June 11, 1945