World War I - Arnold Stephen Hoke

  • Archduke Ferdinand is Assassinated

    Archduke Ferdinand is Assassinated
    Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist, effectively beginning WW1.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    The sinking of the Lusitania was a major turning point in America's view of the war. The sinking of this ship killed more than 120 Americans.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    The Battle of the Somme was arguably the most deadly battle of WWI, this was the turning point in the war on the Western front, turning the tide against Germany.
  • Hoke and his division deployed to Europe

    Hoke and his division deployed to Europe
    Hoke was sent to Europe in 1917. When they were on the train in Europe to get to the front, on the train they had little food, they had no bathrooms, and they traveled for 3 days.
  • Billeting in French village

    Billeting in French village
    When Hoke arrived at the front, they were billeted in a French village. Many guys here lost shoes, wore them out, etc because of the harsh weather. They were running low on supplies, food, and clothes.
  • First time going over the top

    First time going over the top
    Hoke's first time going over the top was easy for him, they were told to attempt to capture any German soldiers for information, in this rush on the German trenches, he lost a good friend he had known for a while. He also lost a few people he had recruited to join him on the front.
  • Promotion to Sergeant, and reconnaissance missions

    Promotion to Sergeant, and reconnaissance missions
    Hoke was promoted to Sergeant after his first over-the-top. Shortly after his promotion, he and his company were assigned to reconnaissance missions in German trenches, armed with only a Colt 45 automatic, ammo, and a holster for his pistol. When they were sent to their first detail, nobody had been issues the Colt 45 yet, so they all got brand new ones from a Colonel commanding their Division.
  • Went to find his brother, who was deployed alongside him

    Went to find his brother, who was deployed alongside him
    Hoke had recruited his younger brother to join their division, but he was in a different company. Hoke set off on a weekend to find his brother, and happened to come across his brother while he was lost, finding out his brother was also lost.
  • Ludendorff Offensive

    Ludendorff Offensive
    The Ludendorff Offensive was one of Germany's last offensives on the Western Front, happening right after the turn of the year. This year would be the end of WWI.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles is the peace treaty that effectively ended WWI.