Latin American historical Figure-Dr.Carlos Finlay

  • Dr.Carlos Finlays birth

    Dr.Carlos Finlays birth
    Dr.Carlos Finlay was born on December 3rd 1833. When he was older he reversed his name to Carlos Juan. His name was origionaly Juan Carlos.
  • School Attended

    School Attended
    Carlos attended The Jefferson Medical Colledge in Philidalphia,Pennsylvania.
  • Graduated

    He graduated while also comleting his studies in Havana, and in Paris. After that he setteled in Havana and opened up a medical practice.
  • Professional Career

    Professional Career
    Dr.Carlos Finlays work was carried out around the 1870s, but was finally more recognized in or around the 1900s.
  • First to theorize

    First to theorize
    He was the first to theorize that in 1881 a mosquito was a carrier of the disease called "Yellow Fever" now known as a disease Vector carring "Yellow Fever". Which is why he mainly studied Msquitos and the diease "Yellow Fever".
  • Another Idea

    Another Idea
    A year later he identified that a mosquito of the Genus Andes as the organism transmitting the "Yellow Fever". His theory was followed by the recommendation to control the mosuito population,as a way to control the diease from spreading.
  • Hypotheses Confirmed!

    Hypotheses Confirmed!
    In 1900 His hypothesis and proofs were confirmed nearly 20 years later by the Walter Reed Commission in 1900.
  • Moving to greater things!!!

    Moving to greater things!!!
    Dr.Carlos Finlay later went on to become the cheif health officer of Cuba from 1902 to 1909.
  • Completeing....

    Around 1909 is when Dr.Carlos finlay completed being the "Chief Health Officer" of Cuba.
  • Death

    On August 21,1915 He died from a stroke at his home in Havana,Cuba he was 81yrs old.