

  • Frank and the family

    Frank and the family
    Frank in the family picture, with his siblins
  • Frank and his family leaving

    Frank and his family leaving
    Frank was from a family where communication is just one way. Father or mother says what they want to the children without any concern what the kids want or feel
  • Frank's Dad and Election campaigns

    Frank's Dad and Election campaigns
    Frank Dad volunteered hes services on several election campaigns, when he was thirteen years old, he witnessed another campaign. The local conservative candidate a man name Bill Hamilton.
  • Father took him along to campaign ground

    Father took him along to campaign ground
    On the day of election, Frank's father took him along to a campaign ground in solidarity to his father's candidate "Bill Hamilton"
  • Frank and Lana on election day.

    Frank and Lana on election day.
    Frank was introduced to Lana to work with on election day, after their candidate won the election. In the night everybody were dancing, drinking while Lana asked Frank to follow her to the car. She drove him to nearby Golf club where everything was silent. She pull over the car and started playing and raped Frank.
  • Franks was raped in the car

    Franks was raped in the car
    Frank was defied by a strange woman in her car.
  • Frank was sad afetr the incident.

    Frank was sad afetr the incident.
    Frank was devastated after the event that happen between him and lana. H could not tell anybody.
  • Frank Started Drinking Alcohol

    Frank Started Drinking Alcohol
    Because on what happen to him, He said "the pain becomes so severe and so abiding that you begin to seek relief from any source available. In Frank case, the case was alcohol. To him, he belief alcohol provided a release from his unbearable loneliness because, drinking link him with others engage in the same activities.
  • Expelled From School

    Expelled From School
    Frank was expel from college when he couldn't cope again due to his behavior.
  • Car accident

    Car accident
    He was involved in a car accident that sent him to a prison.
  • Frank Dad enrolled him to another school

    Frank Dad enrolled him to another school
    Frank father took him to Quebec to enroll him into another school to enable him have a diploma certificate.
  • Drinking alcohol

    Drinking alcohol
    Frank has nothing to do again than to be drinking. Stealing people's money to buy beer
  • Frank's Dad to found a job.

    Frank's Dad to found a job.
    His Dad was able t found him a job as delivery driver at a local diary.
  • He was sent out of the house

    He was sent out of the house
    After all problem Frank caused to his parent, his father call him one day and told him, they can no longer tolerate him again in the house.
  • Frank relocated to Toronto.

    Frank relocated to Toronto.
    Frank left Montreal to Toronto, he was able to secure Job with a paint company as a sales representative. He started well and every body like him suddenly, he begin spending all hi days n bar, after series of complaint by his customer couple with series of warning from him Boss, he was fired.
  • Frank in the street begging

    Frank in the street begging
    To begin, that was Frank O'Dea begging money for wine, and a fifty-cent bed in a flophouse. he was thirty years away from being named an officer of the order of Canada. Twenty years away from marriage and fatherhood, ten years away from earning his first million dollar. And a week away from deciding that he he must change or die.
  • Life changer

    Life changer
    On this faithful day Dec 23, 1971 the weather was very cold, frank set out for daily routing to beg for money. the weather was very cold and windy, he couldn't bear it again. suddenly he started thinking if this how is going to continue and if he die nobody care. Frank remember he use to hear self help number during an advertisement on billboard. Immediately frank call the number and he was giving an appointment that very day to come. That is how Frank stated self help group talk
  • Frank quit drinking for the first time.

    Frank quit drinking for the first time.
    Frank through the help of self help group, he quit drinking alcohol and started attending the self help talk regularly. He met with Joe during the self help talk who happen to be of great help to him.
  • Found a job as a sales representative

    Found a job as a sales representative
    Frank found job with company selling industrial equipment to clean grime off building, statues and production machine.
  • Frank met with Frank Philbrook who introduced him to Election Campaign.

    Frank met with Frank Philbrook who introduced him to Election Campaign.
    During this period, Frank was introduced to Frank Philbrook when he moved to Oakville, Ontario who asked him to be his campaign manager. he accepted the over and luckily for him, his candidate won the election. this gave Frank O'Dea recognition.
  • During the election campaign Frank met Tom

    During the election campaign Frank met Tom
    Frank met with Tom during one of the election campaign, who happen to be his co-founder of Second cup
  • The birth of second cup

    The birth of second cup
    Frank in collaboration with Tom, they incorporate Second Cup coffee from mere kiosk coffee been sales to standard Second cup
  • Death of Parents.

    Death of Parents.
    The death of Frank parent change his perception toward life.
  • Second Cup

    Second Cup
    By the year 1980s Second Cup boasted more than seventy outlets both company-owned and franchised across Canada.
  • Frank Married with two beautiful daughter

    Franks married to Nancy and have two beautiful daughter together.
  • Frank achievement.

    Frank achievement.
    After the establishment of Second Cup Coffee chain, Frank O'Dea grew from small business man to a very big successful person throughout the Canada. In the year 2004, frank was honor an Officer of the Order of Canada. Frank gain international recognition through his program SKI foundation (Karate kids International) founded to care for the child abused in third world war countries.