
Weather History

  • Pomponius Mela

    Pomponius Mela
    formalizes the climatic zone system.
  • Garbriel Fahrenheit

    Garbriel Fahrenheit
    Creates reliable scale for measuring temperature with mercury-type thermometer
  • Anders Celsius

    Anders Celsius
    a swedish astronomer, proposed the centigrade scale for thermometers
  • Joseph Lockyer

    Joseph Lockyer
    Joseph Lockyer starts the scientific journal Nature.
  • Bjerknes, Vilhelm

    Bjerknes, Vilhelm
    He was a assistant to Heinrich Hertz, work on electromagnectic resonance. This work eventually led to the development of radio.1917, Bjerknes founded the Geophysical Institute of Bergen.. He established a large network of observing stations.
  • Robert Watson

    Robert Watson
    is generally considered the inventor of radar.
  • Priestley, Raymond

    Priestley, Raymond
    was a british geologist and Antarctic explorer. established the Department of Meteorology at the University of Melbourne 1939.
    He served as head of the Toyal Geographic Society from 1961 to 1963
  • du Toit, Alexander Logie

    du Toit, Alexander Logie
    was a south african geologist who was one of the strongest early supporters of wegener's theory of continental drift. Du Toit's arguments were mostly geological, but he also was intrigued by the observations
  • R.C Miller and E.J Fawbush

    R.C Miller and E.J Fawbush
    first correct tornado predction by R.C. Miller and E.J. Fawbush
  • Terada, Torahiko

    Terada, Torahiko
    he was a japenese metorologist and university professor. he established the Earth Sciences Department at tokyou University, where he taught meteorology.
  • Paul Crutzen

    Paul Crutzen
    Paul Crutzen is a Dutch physicist who conducted upper atmospheric research in the 1960s. This led to a deep interest in the photochemistry of atmospheric ozone, and he became a world expert on the chemical interactions of trace gases and trace components in the atmosphere
  • Edward Lorenz

    Edward Lorenz
    Edward Lorenz was an American meteorologist and pioneer of chaos theory. He worked with some of the earliest numerical weather prediction (NWP) models
  • Saffir Simpson

    Saffir Simpson
    Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale created, used to describe hurricane strength on a category range of 1 to 5
  • Ted Fujita

    Ted Fujita
    intorduces the Fujita scale for rating tornadoes.
  • Andre Berger

    Andre Berger
    Andre Berger is a distinguished Belgian climatologist. Since 1989 he has been a professor of meteorology and climatology at the Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium. He is the co-founder of the International Polar Foundation.
  • Mario Molina

    Mario Molina
    Mario Molina is a Mexican-born physicist who shared with F. Sherwood Rowland and Paul J. Crutzen in 1995 the Nobel Prize in physics for their research on ozone.
  • Nicholas Shackleton

    Nicholas Shackleton
    Nicholas Shackleton was a British geologist and climatologist who specialized in the study of the climates of past ages. He is considered to be one of the founding fathers of this scientific specialty, known as paleoclimatology
  • John Theon

    John Theon
    John Theon is an American satellite meteorologist. He was project scientist for the Nimbus-5 and Nimbus-6 meteorological satellites, and also for the TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) satellite. He was Chief of the Climate Processes Research Program at NASA from 1982 to 1992.
  • Bonnel, Ferdinand

    Bonnel, Ferdinand
    he founded St. Michael's college, which became know for its programs in meteorology and astronomy.
  • Helen Young

    Helen Young
    Helen Young is a British weather broadcaster