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Warren Buffett

  • Birth

    Warren Buffett is born on August 30, 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska
  • First Investment

    First Investment
    At age 11, Buffett made his first investment by purchasing 3 shares of Cities Service Preferred at $38 per share and later sold them at $40 per share. The stock price later shot up to $200 per share, which made Buffett regret his decision, however he said it was a good lesson about patience when investing.
  • First Entrepreneurial Venture

    First Entrepreneurial Venture
    By the age of 13, Buffett was running his own businesses as a paperboy and selling his own horseracing tip sheet. In high school, he and a friend purchased pinball machines for $25 and sold them to barbershops for $1200.
  • Master's Degree

    Master's Degree
    In 1951, Buffett graduated from Columbia University with his master's degree in economics. He studied under economist Benjamin Graham and later furthered his education at the New York Institute of Finance.
  • Susan Thompson & Warren Buffett Marriage

    In 1952, Buffett married Susan Thompson, who remained his wife until her death in 2004, however they separated from one another in the mid-70's,
  • Buffett Partnership Ltd.

    Warren Buffett formed Buffett Partnership Ltd. in 1956 and was very successful at identifying undervalued companies. This talent was what ultimately allowed him to become a multi-billionaire in the future.
  • Berkshire Hathaway

    Berkshire Hathaway
    After accumulating the company's stock for several years in the early 1960's, Warren Buffett eventually assumed control of the company in 1965. He expanded the company by purchasing other companies such as the Washington Post, Geico, and Exxon in order to extend its reach.
  • Salomon Brothers

    Salomon Brothers
    Buffett famously purchased Salomon Brothers in 1987 and dug the company out of its scandal-plagued state by turning it into a pot of gold.
  • Coca-Cola

    In 1989, Berkshire Hathaway committed to a significant investment in the brand Coca-Cola. Buffett became the brand's director.
  • Diagnosed with Cancer

    Diagnosed with Cancer
    In 2012, Buffett announced he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He underwent treatment for several months and successfully finished it before the end of the year.
  • Change in Investment

    Change in Investment
    In May of 2017, Buffett sold a large majority of his IBM stock, claiming he did not think as highly of the company as he used to. However, he also increased his investment in Apple by 3 percent, and became Bank of America's largest shareholder by exercising warrants for 700 million shares.
  • New Healthcare Plan

    New Healthcare Plan
    In 2018, Berkshire Hathaway, JPMorgan Chase and Amazon announced the formation of a new healthcare company designed to benefit their employees. It's aim is to cut the overall costs and improve processes.