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Warren Buffett (by Warner Mehl)

  • Warren Buffett Born

    Warren Buffett Born
    Warren Buffett was born in Omaha, Nebraska to congressman and businessman Howard Buffett and his wife Leila Buffett.
  • Buffett Buys His First Stock

    Buffett Buys His First Stock
    At 11 years old, Warren Buffett buys 6 shares of CITGO at $38 per share, which he later sells at $40 per share.
  • Columbia University

    Columbia University
    Warren Buffet graduated from Columbia University with a Masters of Science in Economics. He also met and studied under his mentor, Benjamin Graham, who was a major influence in his life.
  • Warren Buffett Marries Susan

    Warren Buffett Marries Susan
    Warren Buffet married Susan Thompson, who had a major influence on him, especially in political matters. The two later had three children together.
  • Buffett Associates Ltd.

    Buffett Associates Ltd.
    Warren Buffet created Buffet Associates Ltd. Soon after, he was managing five total partnerships. He doubled his partners'money after only three years.
  • Warren Buffett meets Charlie Munger

    Warren Buffett meets Charlie Munger
    Warren Buffett is introduced to Charlie Munger; the two end up becoming life-long friends and business partners.
  • Growth of Investments

    Growth of Investments
    At age 32, Buffett consolidates his partnerships into one, worth $7.2 million. During this year, he also starts buying a significant amount of shares in Berkshire Hathaway.
  • Coca-Cola

    Buffett starts to buy stock in Coca-Cola. His 7% is eventually worth $1.2 billion. In 1988, he also buys Freddie Mac.
  • Leaving a Legacy

    Leaving a Legacy
    Buffett says that he will donate $37 billion to charities. In 2007 he announces his search for a successor. In these two years, he acquired 12 companies including Business Wire and Boat America Corporation.
  • Buffett Today

    Buffett Today
    Currently, Warren Buffett is the 3rd richest man in the world with $82.5 billion. He still runs Berkshire Hathaway, which owns more than 60 companies. He has promised to give away over 99% of his fortune.