War Horse Timeline

  • 1 CE

    Joey Gets Caught and Auctioned

    Joey and his mother are captured, Both horses are separated and Joey is sold to Albert's father, even though he resisted.
  • 2

    Joey Meets Albert and Zoey

    Joey is taken to a stable where he meets Zoey, another horse. Joey also meets Albert, a little boy who loved Joey that would take care of Joey.
  • 3

    War Begins and Gets Closer

    Joey learns how to pull a plow because Albert's drunk father did a bet, after that he hears that a war is coming.
  • 4

    Joey is Sold

    Joey is sold by Albert's father to Captain Nicholls, although Albert tries to stop the sale, he fails. he promises that when he grows up and goes to the army, he will try to find Joey.
  • 5

    Joey Meets Topthorn

    After Joey is sold, he goes to the army where he is trained by Corporal Samuel Perkins. Before going to his first battle, Joey meets Topthorn, a black stallion.
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    Captain Nicholls Dies

    Joey travels to France where his first battle takes place, and he looses his rider, Captain Nicholls.
  • 7

    Joey is Taken by the Germans

    Joey gets a new rider, Trooper Warren. But on their first battle together they get separated and taken as prisoners of war (Topthorn too).
  • 8

    Emilie and Joey Meet

    Joey and Topthorn are used by the German army to carry a cart that retrieves wounded soldiers. Both horses are kept on a barn, one night, Joey meets a little girl called Emilie and her grandfather.
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    Emilie Gets Sick

    Emilie took care of both horses, but one night she didn't come, instead her grandfather came and told them that Emilie was sick and she needed help. The next day was Christmas, and now Emilie felt a lot better.
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    Joey and Topthorn Get Taken Away

    Although Emilie is still weak she takes care of the two horses, but one day a group of German soldiers come and take both horses away for war.
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    Topthorn Gets Ill

    Because of terrible working conditions Topthorn gets weak and ill.
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    Topthorn Dies

    One day Topthorn and joey were taken to drink water but Topthorn dies because of his illness, then the Germans and Joey get attacked so they escape, except for Joey that stand there shocked by the events that had just happened.
  • 13

    Joey Gets Lost and Then Gets Taken By The British

    Joey gets lost but because he ran away because he was scared of the shells. He then finds himself on no man's land where two soldiers (one German and one British) toss a coin to see who takes Joey with them, the British soldier wins.
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    Joey Reunites With Albert And Gets an Infection

    Joey reunites with Albert after a long time but Joey gets an infection because when he was lost he accidentally hurt himself with barbed wire and that got him ill.
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    The War Ends

    After recovering from the illness, the war ends and the horses were going to get sold with an auction. But Albert had a plan, he was going to buy Joey at the action.
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    Joey Gets Sold To Emilie's Grandfather

    During the Auction a man paid a lot to buy Joey, that man was Emilie's Grandfather who wanted the horse for Emilie (she is dead).
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    Joey Gets Taken by Albert

    Albert and Emilie's Grandfather make a deal that Albert takes Joey if he pays 1 pound and if he tells people about Emilie and her story.