
Mike Tyson

  • June 30, 1966

    June 30, 1966
    This date was when Mike Tyson was born. He was born in Brownsville, New York City. He is currently 52 years old.
  • 1984

    This date is when he beat the Olympic heavyweight champion. This proved that he was the best. He also became a heavyweight champion again.
  • March 6, 1985.

    March 6, 1985.
    This is when Tyson became famous. He won against one of the best fighters out there. This put him on the spot and he earned a lot of fame.
  • November 22, 1986

    November 22, 1986
    He became the youngest heavyweight champion at the age of twenty and four months. This event made history and made him world famous. It is also when people started debating if he was going to be the best fighter.
  • 1988

    This when Mike Tyson was officially on the top of the list. He was enjoying himself and was very happy. The was third on the list and his reputation grew.
  • 1990

    This is when Mike became number one on the list. He defeated his opponent in 91 seconds first round. This made people never doubt his skills.