Flag of hawaii.svg

Unification Sharmaine Morita

  • Kamehamehas first war

    Kamehamehas first war was on the island of maui. He battled the chief of mauai named Alapa'inui.Kamehameha was showing kalani'opu'u that he was a great warrior. Kalani'opu'u was suck in 'uala (sweet potatoe) vines. Alapa'inui had died. Kamehameha saved kalanio'pu'u and proved to him that he was a great warrior.
  • Kalaniopu'us death

    In 1780 kalaniopu'u met wuth the chiefs in Waipi'o valley and told whast to do after his death. He planed out things for his sons and for kamehameha he will be in charge of the war heiou and Kuka'ilimoku, the families feathered war god. After kalani'opu'us death kamehameha took control of kona, Kohala, and northern Haumakua.His death happened during his war practice.
  • Trading in hawaii

    Trading in hawaii
    Hawaii was full of sandalwood.foreigners from all over the world new that hawaii was full of sandalwood.the foreiners came to hawai and traded things for a shiploud of sandalood from king kamehameha. Somethings that the foreigners traded was fishing rosa,silk handkerchief, soap, Guayaquil cocoa, etc.
  • Battle of Nu'uanu

    Kamehameha saild to Oahu on the shore from wai'alae to waikiki. Kamehameha and Kalani'opu'u fought in the vallys of Nu'uanu. Kamehameha and his warriors pushed kalani'opu'u and his warriors of the cliffs. They found 800 skulls on the bottom of the cliff