His name will forever be changed.
Jesse Grant asks Congressman Hamer to nominate his eldest son to attend the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. Hamer makes the nomination, but mistakenly uses the name Ulysses S. Grant, believing that Ulysses was his first name, and his middle name is Simpson after his mother's maiden name. When Grant reports for duty at the academy, he is required to accept the name change or return home and seek a new appointment with the correct name the following year. -
Grant becomes a married man.
Ulysses S. Grant meets Julia Dent, younger sister of Fred, when she returns to White Haven after finishing boarding school in the city of St. Louis.Grant proposes to Julia Dent. She does not initially accept, but when Grant returns following a short visit to his family's home in Ohio, she agrees to a secret engagement. -
Grant is moving up in the Union ranks.
Grant accepts appointment as Colonel of the 21st Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Grant is promoted to Brigadier General, thanks to the support of Illinois Congressman Elihu Washburn, a good friend of President Abraham Lincoln. Grant is promoted to Major-General of Volunteers after the battle at Ft. Henry. Grant receives his commission as Lieutenant General of all Union armies from President Lincoln. -
The Civil war is coming to an end under Grant's command.
Grant captures Petersburg and Richmond, VA after 6 months of siege. After this Grant accepts the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia from Conferate General Robert E. Lee. -
Grant in His Political career.
Ulysses Grant accepts the nomination by the Republican Party for President of the United States. His campaign slogan becomes "Let Us Have Peace." His campaign was a success and Grant is elected President of the United States. In 1869 he is inaugurated as the 18th president of the United States. -
Grant starts the reconstruction of the U.S.
Since Grant was the first president after the civil war he was in charge of making sure the south felt welcome back to the United States after the war. To make this easier he started a reconstruction program. Part of this effort was to stop the racist organization, the Ku Klux Klan. -
Grant launches illegal war plans.
At this time the nation needed a financial lift because of the economic depression they were in. So after it was discovered that there was a large amount of gold in the Black Hills, many miners went there to live and make money. However theses lands were occupied by the Lakota Indians and they would not give them up very easily. But to make the people happy and keep his job The Grant administration launched an illegal war and then lied to Congress and the American people about it. -
Grant has trouble with revolting areas.
Grant announces he will use force if necessary to restore order in Louisiana. Spanish authorities in Cuba execute the American captain and 36 crew members and passengers of the Virginius, while flying the U. S. flag. Grant refuses to send troops to Texas where defeated Republicans balked at conceding power. Grant orders U.S. troops and naval vessels to New Orleans to restore law and order. -
Grant's life is coming to an end
Grant is Diagnosed with throat cancer in the year of 1884. Reasons for this could have been that he was a tobacco lover and a heavy drinker at points in his life. He most likely knew that he had some sort of disease from the pains in his mouth, but by the time he sought help, it was too late to cure his cancer. So to let him live as long as he could, they gave him a cocaine hydro chlorate solution that helped to numb the pains in his mouth. He eventually died July 23, 1885. -
Remembering Grant
Ulysses S. Grant died on July 23, 1885 and was buried in a temporary tomb until his final resting place was built. After about 12 years Grant's tomb is built in New York and he is moved to this new location. To remember him, a ceremony that dedicated the tomb to him was held and thousands attended