Russell Jr. is born today 8 lb 7 oz.
His eyes are brown now, maybe turn blue later, not much hair, but some black showing up, real red face, tiny little hands and feet. -
Period: to
Russell grows up, he can vote now
Russell enjoyed his fifth birthday party with all his friends.
still like to play make believe. enjoys playing with friends but enjoys boys more, really a little conformist, needs lot of praise from adults and friends. -
Russell is 10 years old today
he is seeking more freedom but he is still lacking in self-discipline. he needs help dealing with uncmfortable emotions and needs fair amount of guidance doing chores, doing his homework and taking care of hygene http://www.timetoast.com -
Russell, oh. make it "Rusty" is 11
he is getting a little more argumentative with his mother and me. But he still needs a lot of positive attention from us. still rather impulsive http://www.timetoast -
Where did our little boy go? 15 now
Yipes, who is this teenager? He wants to wear his hair too long and wants to imitate some pro ball player with a numbered jersey and the whole outfit. He is spring loaded to the conflict position with us. Thinks he is trying to be way too independent. http://www.timetoast