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Tuesdays with Morrie

  • His fathers death

    His fathers death
    Morries father died after a heartatck after running away from some muggers.It was years since Morrie seen his dad and this was not the way he wanted see him in a casket. He had to travel to New York to identify his body at the city morgue.
  • The dear Eva

    The dear Eva
    Morrie had a hard childhood, His mother died when he was young and his father did not want his mother talked about ever again. Morrie was lonley and wanted someone to care about him. Soon Morries father got married to a very nice lady, but Morries father did not want to tell his brother about his real mother. Eva his step mom was a great lady and Morrie loved her very much. Eva was so kind to Morrie and made him feel loved.
  • Morrie's hibiscus plant

    Morrie's hibiscus plant
    The beautiful hipiscus plant that Morrie used as a metaphor for his life throughout the time when he is very sick.The plants petals slowly wither and die as Morrie becomes more dependant on other people. The plant is also a metaphor for life itself; we all experience the natural life cycle which ultimately results in death.
  • The First Tuesday

    The First Tuesday
    Mitch was heading for his first class, when he came to his room and there were only a dozen of other students. Should he just back out and drop this class? RIght befoe he turned around he heard someone call his name. It was the Professor. He was a nice guy with a big smile. We exchanged our welcomes and was about to go to class when he said, "Also Mitch I hope one day you will think of me as your friend",
  • Walks with Morrie

    Walks with Morrie
    Morrie and Mitch walked and talked about life togethr . But as Mitch sat with Morrie 16 years later he was sad and cold inside that he will never have a last walk with his profeccer again. The old mans disease has take his abilty to walk.
  • Graduation Day

    Graduation Day
    Senior class of Brandeis University in the city of Waltham, Massachusetts. Was the day Mitch graduated. He had his parents with him that day to have them meet Morrie his favorite professor. After they talked a bit it was time to say our good byes. Morries gave Mitch a kiss on the head and he looked so sad. He said "stay in toach ok?". Ok i said. Mitch didn't folllow through with that aggrement. Life went on and Mitch did not talk to Morrie for 16 years.
  • A visit from Janine and Mitch

    A visit from Janine and Mitch
    Mitch and Janine When Morrie was very ill on the tenth Tuesday as usual Mitch was plans to go visit. But on this Tuesady he decides to bring his wife Janine, When they were there visiting Morrie asks Janine if she would sing to him. She did it for him but it is something she never does in front of Mitch. But was happy to do it for Morrie. He enjoyed it by closing his eyes and absorbed the notes. When she was finished he opened his eyes and tears rolled down his cheeks. It was beautiful to his ears.
  • Trying to seek his brother

    Trying to seek his brother
    Perter and Mitch were good brothers , but when they started to grow up Peter became nothing like Mitch. Mitch was a good kid and Peter did everything that was not ok. Afteer years of hurt and sadness from Peter, Perter moved to Spain, soon after Peter got pancreatic cancer.
    Mitch tries so hard to call and email his brother. Morrie helps Mitch with this problem and soon Mitch get a email back from his brother,
  • "Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live."

     "Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live."
    During the fourth tuesday Mitch and Morries are disussing death. Morrie feels that people refuse to believe that they will one day die, and therefore, do not live there lives as fully as they would have liked too. They may then have many regrets as they become older and their death becomes closer. He feels that once we learn and accept that we are one day going to die, we learn to live our lives fully and without any regrets.
  • "Death ends a life, not a relationship."

     "Death ends a life, not a relationship."
    Morries says, "As long as we can love each other and remember this feeling of love, we can die without ever going away because all of the love we have created will still remain". Even though when Morries dies Mitch will still have all the love and stories in his heart.
  • The place Morrie picked to be buried

    The place Morrie picked to be buried
    Morrie wanted to be buried on a hill, beneath a tree, overlooing a pond. A peacefull spot where people can come talk to him and tell him their problems while he listens. Morrie wanted Mitch to come see him, but only on Tuesdays. "We're Tuesday people, right?" asked Morrie. "Tuesday people" replied Mitch." Come to talk then." Morrrie said.
  • The day i said good bye to my old frined

    The day i said good bye to my old frined
    It was the Fourteeth Tuesday and also was the last Tuesday I will see my old profecor. I sat by my best frined and said my good-byes. I rubbed my coaches hair and lose skin while he cried out his tears. He said to me " Player, I love you". I replied "I love you to coach! Good bye" I said . As my tears ran down my face, he smiled at me and said good bye. I new he was happy, he has aways wanted to make me cry. Good bye coach, good bye.
  • Forgivness

    Morrie was very good friends with Norman who was a artist and
    had sculpted a figure of Morrie. When Norman and his wife moved away, Normin did not keep in toach. But when Norman came to Morrie to say he is sorry for not staying in toach, Morrie did not accept the apology. Years went on and Norman became very sick and soon after dead. Morrie felt very sad and very mad that he did not say good bye to his dear friend. "Forgive yourself before you die. Then forgive others." said Morrie.
  • The friendship is still there after 16 years

    The friendship is still there after 16 years
    Mitch had a very busy day at work. He heard Morrie his old professor on the tv, He was talking about him battling (ALS) and did not have much longer to live. Mitch felt very bad that he has not visit his professor in 16 years. Soon after he decided to get on a plane, next thing he was sitting next to the man that was his biggest fan in collage. "we've had thirty-five years of friendship. You don't need speech or hearing to feel that." said Morrie.
  • Bad news

    Bad news
    Morrie had a love for dancing. He may not have been all that good but it made him happy. As Mitch would say "He had always been a dancer, my old profeccer". But Morrie had to stop dancing, becuase he got Asthma in his sixties. Later on it became very hard for Morrie to breath. Him and wife stared taking test and found out some very bad news. Morrie had (ALS), it had no cure and was very pain full.
    " Shouldn't the world stop? Don't they know what has happend?" the old professer said.