The matrix is a film based on computer hacking, the story revolves around a hacker named Neo who after meeting a famous hacker known as Morpheus who shows him a world known as the matrix where he must take down all who want to control humanity. -
A.I. Artificial Intelligence
David is a little android kid wishing to be part of a real family and be accepted as a normal boy. In a world where everyone is used to live with robots and share with them, David feels as part of the family when suddenly his family abandoned him in the middle of nowhere. He tries to find the way back home and meet some new friends who help him go back to his mum. -
I, Robot
One man against a world full of robots is the best way to describe this film. It follows detective Del Spooner the only person on earth against using robots, because of what he believes will happen if they are continuing to be part of humanity. He is soon having to fight for his life alongside the only robot he trusts Sonny. -
Tron Legacy
Tron Legacy is an action packed Sci-Fi thriller based around the son of a inventor gets put into a digital world his missing father created. which leads to him fighting for his life along side his father against his fathers most spectacular creation. -
In Time
In a world where the time is the new currency, everyone has to survive paying with their own time of life. The movie tells the story of Will Salas, a guy who helped a millionaire from robbery and received a big amount of “time” to survive. Later then he meets Sylvia and together decided to team up and rob Sylvia’s father’s time banks.