Toddler Milestones: Jones

  • 16 months

    16 months
    Form: Jones is now able to produce about a fourth of his words to where mommy can understand them
    Content: Jones now knows around 15 words.
    Use: Jones and mommy take turns talking and both respond to each other's​ statements.
    Example: Jones wanted to go to the park and ask mommy with ‘play at park”
  • 20 months

    20 months
    Form: Jones is starting to process what his mom is saying in stages or a little bit at a time.
    Content: Jones is beginning to describe his toys by their colors and now uses about 50 different words.
    Use: Jones is now using gestures along with his words. He will say "I want to go" and point off into the distance.
    Example: Jones told mommy that his truck toy is the color red and is big.
  • 24 months

    24 months
    Form: Jones is asking his mom lots of questions with intonation and mom can understand about 65% of his words now.
    Content: Jones now understands about 500 words that his mommy uses and has about 200 words in his vocabulary.
    Use: Jones's imagination is through the roof he acts like his toys are alive. He also loves to inform his mom on what his toys can do.
    Example: Jones told his mom about the dragon that was flying on top of their house, he mentioned that the dragon looked like his dragon toy.
  • 28 months

    28 months
    Form: Jones can pronounce almost 3/4 of his words where momma can understand him.
    Content: He overgeneralizes about 33% of his new words such as using the word "tractor" for every car he sees. He also uses good sentence structure when utilizing his new words.
    Use: Jones is now able to introduce and change a topic of conversation while also engaging in shorter dialogue.
    Example: When Jones saw his first cat he said "puppy" even though he was corrected to say "cat" he continued to say puppy.
  • 32 months

    32 months
    Form: Jones can pronounce just about 80% of his vocabulary where the family can understand him.
    Content: He can comprehend roughly 900 words while producing roughly 500. Jones can also now ask others simplistic questions.
    Use: He knows when to clarify/request clarification during conversations with others.
    Example: Jones ask his dad when they were going to the store and what they were going to buy.
  • 36 months

    36 months
    Form: Jones is now developing simple phonological awareness abilities such as rhyme awareness, realizing that "cat" and "hat" rhyme.
    Content: He continues to use "fast mapping" to learn new vocabulary along with beginning to use pronouns such as "they, them & us".
    Use: Jones in now starting to engage in more lengthy conversations.
    Example: Jones had a singing session with grandpa and also read Dr. Seuss book with dad at night.