Ch:1 Total pages: 302
non- fictionbiography 0-20 pages Total(394) Chris starts out talking about his struggles right when he was born. He had to get through alot. He says the stroy is about his journey from being a organ transplant to winning an olympic medal. He says that his mom didn't even want to start snowboarding, but he climbed a mountain to prove to her he could. -
21- 73 total(447)
Non Fiction; biography 21-73 total(447) Chris Klug talks about his life. He says that his parents didn't want him to ride a snowboard at all, but he proved he could so they let him.Then he says what snowboarders do. For example, get high ,drunk and cause trouble. Then it says snowboarders weren't accepted. He proved that people could snowboard too. Also, his family adopted a person cause his mom was not good. They snowbaorded together and are friends. Chris is a good race snowboarder. -
73-97 total: 471
Non fiction biography 73-97 total 471 Chris talks about how snowboarding is spreading all over the world more than it ever has. He tells us all the sponsors he's gotten since he's become pro. Burton, and rossignol are his two big sponsers. They pay for almost everything he needs. Last, he says he has very bad foot pain due to his boots. He battles through it. -
97- 143 total(517)
Non fiction biography 97-143 total(517) Chris klug is told by his doctor that he has a rare liver disease called PSC. He was shocked because he didn't do anything unhealthy to get this. Hes going to need a transplant but they dont know when. He doesn't worry. He does trials for the olympics and makes it. They party to celebrate. His feet are starting to feel better. -
143-194 total(568)
Non fiction Biography 143-194 total:568 Chris goes to the olymipics, but he doesn't medal. Hes upset with himself, but the crowd cheers him up. He works hard in the off season. While playing basketball he destroys his knee and needs severe surgery on it. He didnt know if he was going to be able to come back. He eventually does. He has a great year, but loses a good friend in one of his races. They cancel the races after this. Later he knows Walter Payton dies from PSC like Chris has. -
194-217 Total(591)
nonfiction biography 194-217 Toatl:591 Chris is rushed to the hospital for another ERCP. This one went horrible. He's moved up on the transplant list because the doctors can't do anything for him. He is surfing in Hawaii while he waits. He gets an urgent call to come get the liver. All his family are rushing to the hospital hoping that this liver works for him. -
217-303 total: 674
non fiction biography 217-303 Total:674 Chris goes for surgery. He finds out that the donor was 13 and had been shot so was brain dead. He was excited and sad at the same time. The dr. told him the complications before surgery. he was ok with them. The surgery went well and he rehabed to go to the 2002 Olympics. He placed third. Him and his family were so happy and proud. He now goes around to tell people the importance of organ donation and why they should do it. -
304-314 total 688
304-314 Total 688 Non fiction biography Chris talks about how overwhelmed he is at the award ceremony. He was proud even getting third place. He was proud because he overcame so many difficult things in his life to become an Olympic medalist in snowboarding. This shows you that you can do anything if you really try.