1120 BCE
Samuel's Birth
After Hannah made a prayer God answered it and Samuel was born. -
Period: 1119 BCE to 1099 BCE
Samsons Life
1115 BCE
God Talks To Samuel
When Samuel was sleeping near the holy of holies God calls his 3 times and Samuel runs to Eli. Then the fourth time Samuel talks to God. -
1082 BCE
Saul is Born
Saul is born. He is the son of Kish during the time of the Jonathan the evil priest. -
1062 BCE
Jonathan is Born
Jonathan is born. Saul is his father. -
1050 BCE
Saul Wins His First Battle
Saul wins his first battle against the Ammonites. -
1041 BCE
Jonathan and his Armor Bearer Fight
Janothan goes and fights the Philistines. -
1040 BCE
David Born
David is born. His father was Jesse. -
1029 BCE
Saul is Rejected by God
After Saul disobeys God, he is rejected by God. -
1028 BCE
Samuel Anoints David
Samuel goes to the house of Jesse to anoint one of his sons and David is chosen. -
1025 BCE
David and Goliath
David kills Goliath the giant with a stone. -
1024 BCE
Saul's Hatred for David Begins
Saul hates David when the women sing. "Saul has slain his thousands and David his ten thousands." -
1015 BCE
Jonathan Shoots Arrows for David
Jonathan shoots arrows for a sign to show David that Saul wanted to kill him. -
1010 BCE
Saul and Jonathan Die
In a battle against the Philistines Jonathan and Saul both die. -
1003 BCE
David Anointed King Over Israel
After Ishbosheth dies David becomes king over all Israel. -
988 BCE
David and Bathsheba
David kills Uriah to marry Bathsheba. -
978 BCE
David Flees to Jerusalem
After Absolom betrays David, he flees to Jerusalem to get away from Absolom's army. -
957 BCE
Solomon Crowed King
953 BCE
Solomon's Vision
Solomon's prays to God and has a vision asks for wisdom and God grants it. -
949 BCE
Solomon Shows His Wisdom
After two women come in and Solomon shows who the baby is. -
944 BCE
Queen of Sheba Gift
After going to Solomon She gives him a gift of 12 trillion dollars. -
940 BCE
King Hiram Gives Solomon Stuff For the Temple
When Solomon asks Hiram for wood for the temple and Hiram agrees -
937 BCE
Solomon Temple Built
After time Solomon's Temple is finished. -
937 BCE
Solomon's Prayer
After the temple is built Solomon makes a prayer to the lord. -
934 BCE
Ephramite son of Zora -
929 BCE
Solomon Worships God's
929 BCE
Ahijah and Jeroboam
Ahijah gives the prophesy from God. -
925 BCE
Rehoboam Reign Over Judah (17 years)
925 BCE
Israel Revolts Against Rehoboam
After Rehoboam raises taxes Israel revolts. -
924 BCE
Jeroboam Becomes King of Israel (22 years)
After Solomon's reign ends Jeroboam becomes king. -
922 BCE
Jeroboam and The Golden Calves
When Jeroboam saw that Israel had to travel to the temple he made two golden calves to worship. -
919 BCE
Rehoboam Fortifies The Cities of Israel
After figuring out that Israel would not go against him he fortified each city. -
908 BCE
Rehoboam's Battle (End of Reign)
Rehoboam goes to battle with the Egyptians -
907 BCE
The Prophet Gives The Prophesy of The Golden Calves
He says that the calves would be destroyed and the priests with it. -
906 BCE
Ahijah and Jeroboam's Wife
When Jeroboam's son is sick he sends his wife in disguise and he gives a prophesy and when the wife gets home the son dies. -
903 BCE
Abijah Sin's
When he becomes king he starts to sin. -
900 BCE
Asa's Reign (41 years)
Did good in God's eyes. -
898 BCE
Asa Destroys Idols
When he became king he destroyed all of the idols in Judah -
897 BCE
Asa's Religious Reforms
After a prophet comes to him and gives him God's word he praises the lord. Even his mother Macah praises the lord. -
890 BCE
Nadab Reign (2 years)
885 BCE
Baasha Reign
He reign for 24 years and was at war with Judah all his life. -
Period: 880 BCE to 848 BCE
860 BCE
Elah Reign
Reigned 2 years -
859 BCE
Asa's Death
After disobeying God his foot sickness kills him. He had a Godly reign. -
858 BCE
Reigned 7 days then burned palace with him in it. -
856 BCE
Reigned twelve years -
856 BCE
854 BCE
Elijah and The Widow
When Elijah meets with the widow the oil and flour do not run out and the boy comes back to life. -
854 BCE
Ahab's Reign (22 years)
Was the worst king of all the kings. -
846 BCE
Ahab and Naboth
When Ahab asks Naboth for his vineyard and says no. Ahab pouts and Jezebel makes Naboth get stoned. -
832 BCE
Ahaziah Reign (2 years)
830 BCE
Jehoram's Reign (12 years)
825 BCE
Jehoshaphat (25 years)
823 BCE
Jehoshaphat and His Prayer
When people attack him they die and they collect the spoil for 3 days. -
822 BCE
Jehoram's Death
God curses Jehoram with a disease that his insides come out of him. It is called rectal prolapse. -
820 BCE
Jehoshaphat's Alliances
During his reign he makes two alliances. One with Ahab, this was a marriage alliance. Then one with Ahaziah they would trade by merchant ships but the ships get destroyed before they can trade. -
820 BCE
Elisha and Naaman
When Naaman gets leprosy Elisha tells him to bath in the Jordan River seven times. When he does this he is healed of his leprosy. -
818 BCE
Elisha and The Axe Head
When a servant is cutting a tree the axe head falls off and Elisha makes it float -
815 BCE
Hazel Kills Ben-hadad
when ben-hadad became sick Hazel dipped the bed cloth in water and laid it over his face until he died. -
Period: 815 BCE to 806 BCE
He was an evil king over Judah. -
Period: 813 BCE to 812 BCE
Killed by Jehu reigned 1 year. -
806 BCE
Jehu Kills Ahab's Descendants
When he becomes king he kills all the descendants of Ahab. -
Period: 806 BCE to 779 BCE
Jehu reign (28 years)
Period: 806 BCE to 792 BCE
Athalia (7 years)
After she killed all the royal house she reigns over Judah. -
Period: 792 BCE to 752 BCE
Joash (40 years)
Period: 789 BCE to 761 BCE
Jehoahaz (17 years)
Bad king, reigned over Israel. -
Period: 770 BCE to 760 BCE
ten years. evil king -
761 BCE
Jehoash (16 years)
Reigned over Israel. Bad King. reign 761 to 745 -
752 BCE
Joash's Death
His servants killed him. -
752 BCE
Zachariah's Death
When Joash was worshiping idols the prophet comes to him and tells him that he needs to turn away from idols. He does not listen and tells his guards to stone him they do. They killed him in the temple. -
Period: 730 BCE to 701 BCE
Reigned 29 years over Israel bad king -
Period: 714 BCE to 674 BCE
Jeroboam ll
Forty one years. Evil King -
674 BCE
Six months, evil king -
674 BCE
One month, evil king -
Period: 664 BCE to 662 BCE
two years. evil king -
Period: 662 BCE to 640 BCE
20 years, evil king -
Period: 640 BCE to 631 BCE
9 years, evil king -
Period: 630 BCE to 597 BCE
reigned 52 years. good king -
Period: 610 BCE to 540 BCE
killed by Manasseh by being sawed in half. he was a prophet that lived between Uzziah and Manasseh -
Period: 600 BCE to 583 BCE
He reigned 16 years and he was a good king. -
597 BCE
Uzziah's Death
When he was burning incense at the temple the priests caught him and he got mad and got leprosy then died. -
584 BCE
Jotham's Gifts
When he beat the ammonites they gave him gifts. -
Period: 584 BCE to 551 BCE
Bad king, 16 years, he was not buried with the kings of Israel because of his sin, Syria, Israel sent them back to their home, he cut it up so he could make altars to his other gods. This sacrifice was his son. -
581 BCE
Hezekiah's Passover
This Passover was the greatest Passover of all time -
580 BCE
Hezekiah and The Assyrian's
Hezekiah battles with the Assyrians for a long time but then the lord delivered them. Sennacherib was the person who was the king. -
Period: 551 BCE to 522 BCE
Good king, 29 years -
530 BCE
Hezekiah Sickness
Period: 522 BCE to 467 BCE
Started extremely bad was worst king ever then became good 55 years. -
Period: 467 BCE to 465 BCE
reigned 2 years evil king -
Period: 465 BCE to 434 BCE
started reign at 8. 31 years, good king -
460 BCE
Josiah Takes All The Idols Away
in his 12th year -
449 BCE
Josiah Rebuilds Temple
this happened in his 18th year -
434 BCE
Josiah's Death
killed by the king of Egypt -
434 BCE
reigned three months bad king he was 23 years old -
Period: 434 BCE to 423 BCE
reigned 11 years bad king. he was 25 years old -
423 BCE
reigned three months bad king. 18 years old -
Period: 423 BCE to 412 BCE
11 years bad king. he was 21 years old -
412 BCE
He was a governor over Judah. He was killed by his servants. After this Babylon invades and destroys everything.