Jan 1, 1200
Chinese Can distinguish strangulation beetween drowning
Chinese Can distinguish strangulation beetween drowning by looking at facial features and body postures. -
Period: Jan 1, 1200 to
Still not much is known about crime scene investigation
First Sherlock holmes novel 'A study in scarlet' is published.
Which brings a major breakthrough in ideas in forensic science -
Bertilionage is Introduced
A simple way of recording measurements onto identification cards and then filing them in order along with photographs of the individual. This was used by the french police and was enforced in paris. -
The start of the forensic science era
Edmond Locard opens the first ever crime scene investigation lab.
This is opened in Lyons, France. -
Locard writes about his exchange system for the first time
This is seen in his book 'trait de criminalastique'.Locard's exchange principle is commonly known as "with contact between two items, there will be an exchange,Locard never wrote down those words in the vast amount of material he
made, neither did he mention a principle. Locard, however, wrote the following:
"It is impossible for a criminal to act, especially considering the intensity of a crime, without leaving traces of this presence." -
Frenchwomans murder brings breakthrough in foresic science
When Marie Lattele was murdered locard questioned her partner emile gourbin after her he was certain she had been strangled and found a cluster of pink dust under his fingernails which he presumed to be womens make up. Although he said he was not guilty the exchange system proved that he was guilty. It really worked -
Today we do still use the locard exchange system as is it is now used all over the world