When was Charles Dickens born?
Charles Dickens was born a 7th of February of 1812 -
In 1827, during his adolescence, he spent his time working as an assistant lawyer -
Charles Dickens married Catherine Hogarth and had 10 children -
He wrote the book ''Oliver Twist'' in 1837-38 -
His adopted child
In 1841, he was decorated as the adopted son of the city of Edinburgh and traveled to the United States of America. -
Dombey and Son
His novel Dombey and Son (1846-48) meant a change in the method of work: he went from improvisation to complete planning, which he was able to do thanks to his knowledge of the stylistic resources he had achieved. -
Death of his father, his sister and his daughter
Dickens's health had deteriorated, aggravated by the deaths of his father, a daughter, and his sister. The public outcry over her alleged fall in love with an 18-year-old actress named Ellen Teman, whom she tried to defend herself with in a note in the Daily News, contributed to her breakup with Katherine. Since then, Dickens has changed his character drastically. He continued, however, to give lectures and write. -
Dickens' Death
Finally, on June 8, 1870, Dickens suffered a stroke at home, after a day's work at Edwin Drood.