
By tostona
  • Period: 1451 to May 20, 1506

    christopher columbus

    he sailed to sea when he was 14,he swim ashore after his ship was sunk in a pirates battle.He joins his brother Bartholomew, a cartographer, in Lisbon.Columbus departs Hispaniola for Spain in the Niña.Returns to La Isabela on Hispaniola and takes up his role of governor. Columbus dies at Valladolid.he is connected to gutenberg because they wanted desire for knowledge, they both created or discover something new
  • Period: 1452 to Feb 3, 1468

    Johansen Gutenberg

    he partner with Fust in order to continue his printing.he published the gutenberg bible using the new printing press,technology.the surviving manuscript from the early Gutenberg press is fragment of the poem"The Sibyl's Prophecy"the German text of Gutenberg's earliest typeface.Fust continued printing the Bibles,he publishing about 200 copies,of which only 22 exist now.gutenberg seems to have abandoned printing entirely,a result of blindness.
  • Period: 1474 to 1508

    ponce de leon

    he fought against the muslims in southern spain,he joing christopher columbus in his trip, he stayed back in santo domingo.he established a new town in Higüey and named it Salvaleón.he got permission for the first official expedition to the island, from King Ferdinand II of Aragon. He left Hispaniola on June 12,1508,eventually anchored in San Juan Bay.He created the first settlement in Puerto Rico by the name of Caparra and went on to explore the island for gold.
  • Period: Jul 2, 1505 to Feb 18, 1546

    martin luther and the starting of the protestant reformation

    on october 31/1517,he put the 95 thesis on the door in wittenberg,even in death he had a an influence on the western society with his ideas,I think he was a firm believer of god,even when he was excommunicated he continue writing,he helped the jews become believers.he helped people see the truth about the catholics and now the protestant reformation is still alive,he is related with calvin because even when martin was dead he helped him see God.video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fp77mcJKsIk
  • Period: 1509 to Sep 27, 1514

    Ponce de Leon 2

    He was appointed as the governor of San Juan Bautista and was instructed to extend the settlement of the island.he was given a royal contract which outlined his rights and authority to search for the 'Islands of Bimini'.He discover an island and named it as La Florida due to the beautiful flowers it had.According to many historians,he discovered Florida while allegedly searching for the Fountain of Youth.1.
  • Period: Sep 27, 1514 to Feb 26, 1521

    Ponce de Leon 3

    Ponce de León set out with two ships with some priests,farmers,and artisans,in order to colonize Florida.He landed on the west coast of Florida along with his fleet,but was met by Native American Calusa warriors on Pine Island.He suffered serious injuries in the conflict and died of his poisoned wounds in Havana, Cuba, in July,1521.he can connect to christopher columbus because he worked with him, he can also relate to the other because he was in the search of fame,knowledge,desire of power
  • Period: 1533 to 1564

    Jhon Calvin

    After he read some books from martin Luther, he was inspired to abandon the catholic church and become a reformed himself,at the young age of 27 he wrote the institutes of christian religion, this one was one of the complete compilation of theology ever, he went to Geneva were gulema France took him to help him reform the christian church.he was writer like Shakespeare but he was not a desire for knowledge,for Calvin it was all for religion
  • Period: Feb 15, 1564 to 1574

    Galileo Galilei 1

    Galileo was the first born child to Vincenzo Galilei and Giulia Degli Ammannati. They lived in the Tuscon city of Pisa, Italy. His father was a well-known musician, but the family was not well off financially. Later on his parents had two daughters and one more son. In 1574, his family moved to Florence. This event is significant because Galileo made very important contributions to science.
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    galileo galilei 2

    Galileo made his first important discovery one day while sitting in church. He noticed how the lamps on the ceiling swung back and forth, becoming shorter, but always taking the same amount of time. He determined that the time of the swing was constant, while the swing grew shorter. Galileo used this discovery to design a device called a "pulsilogia" , which was used to measure a person's heartbeat. This discovery is significant because it made Galileo begin to question other ideas.
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    galileo galilei 3

    After receiving much resistance to his ideas that went against Aristotle's,Galileo decided to disprove Aristotle's theory that heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones.He did this by dropping two balls off the Leaning Tower of Pisa;one bigger and one smaller.Although one ball was heavier and the other was lighter,both objects hit the ground at the same time.This event is significant because it showed how important it is to prove theories by experimentation.video:https://youtu.be/Rejbk1oJ2xg
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    william shakespare

    the first thing he wrote was writes Henry VI, Part One Shakespeare leaves Stratford to begin work as a playwright and actor in London.Shakespeare publishes "Venus and Adonis," his first long published poem. It is dedicated to his patron Henry Wriothesley, the Earl of Southampton, his son died at the age of 11 form unknown causes.
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    William Shakespeare 2

    Shakespeare has become a noted playwright with at least a dozen plays under his belt, including Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Love's Labors Lost, Richard II and Titus Andronicus.
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    isaac newton

    He experiments with the origin of colors and the nature of gravity, and creates what we know as calculus today. in 1669 he became a mathematics professor.newton improved the reflecting telescope.the society of london was so impressed with him that they invite him to join them.
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    Isaac Newton

    A scientist encouraged him to write about how planets move in a certain orbit,his work became a 3 volume book known as Principia. , this work details the 3 laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation.newton is elected for president of the royal society of London.He becomes the first British scientist to be knighted.He is now known as "Sir Isaac Newton."he died at 84. Newton will be remembered as a brilliant man his work in math and science continues to influence the world today.
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    We feel like we have to look as a 15 year old when we are 50 just so we can look ourselves in the mirror and think you are beautiful.Some look at older people as a burden and nobody wants to be like that so they try to make themselves look young,act young hoping old age won't come.they want to be immortal,to always look good at the eyes of other people,women worry about their age,Just like young girls worry about their weight,nothing has really changed.
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    the world now is a competition the ones that are old but with surgery are the ones that have the more followers but the ones that are old but without surgery to look younger have less followers.
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    people are wanting to look younger,and that is why the government have decided to create a serum that make people look and become younger . due to this the word have gone to an overpopulation since 2045 the government have decided that in 2050 half of the universe will be dead, there plans were to make the world only the united states, the closer you were to the government the more you were a desire of fame,lust,wealth, the ones ones that are not poor but not rich are the ones with the desire
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    the last part of the united states,is the part were the poor are,they are the one searching for people to believe in religion, desire for freedom the ones that hate racism they only want equality for everyone. this is a world where,the government are the ones that make the rules, you have to have a certain profile to be rich, you can not be ugly,you have to look like a model,you have to be perfect,some laws are that you have to be home by 12 and you can not be alone at night in the streets.