Period: 1400 to
Ancien Regime
The Ancien Regime was a period in history that started in the middle ages and ended in the 18th century, in wich the absolutism was the principal form of government. -
The clergy was the estate in wich are contained all the people that worked at the church. They belonged to the privileged people and were divided in high clergy and low clergy. -
The nobility belongs un the privileged, they had more privileges and social status than most of the estates. In this estate belongs the King the Queen and the rest of the royalty. They were the minority of the population together with the clergy (only 10%). -
Third State
In the Third State belonged all the people with no privileges, they were the mayority of the population(90%) and most of them were poor. In this group also belongs the bourgeoisie. -
Period: to
First Industrial Revolution
The first part of the Industrial Revolution took place in the 18th Century, It started with the creation of the steam engine, after that there were a lot of improvements in transport and comunication ,also the factories apeard wich meant that people would stop working at workshops and stop making handmade tools because of the apearence of machines. The bigest powers were the UK and Occidental Europe. -
Steam Engine
It was an invention that marked the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The first steam engine was brought to the market in 1712 by Thomas Newcomen. -
He was a philisopher and a writer of the 18th century, hes philosophy influenced a lot during the enlightenment. He wrote more than one book criticizing the form of government of the Ancien Regime (Absolutism) and the division of the society in estates. -
He was a French writer, histotian and philospher, famous for his attacks to the catholic church , defending the separation of church and state. He wrote books about his way of thinking, and as Rousseau´s books, they were a big influence to the Enlightenment -
Adam Smith
He was a Scottish philosopher, economist and author as well as a pioneer of political economy and an important figure during the Scottish Enlightenment. He travelled through Europe were he met other intelectual leaders and lived in france wich wich made hm a big influence to the Enlightenment -
It is a book that containes all the information and knowledge, writen thrugh the years by more than one man of the Enlightenment. -
The bourgeoisie was a social class, that belonged to the non privileged group but had no financial problems (money), sometimes more than the nobels and claimed that they shoud take political charges. -
Period: to
The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment was a period in European history, when Euroean philosophers began to examine the world through reason, rather than religious faith. -
Period: to
Independence Of The United States
The 13 colonies of the United Kingdom in america disagreed with the form of government, and they declared the war of independence. -
James Watt
He was a Scottish inventor, mechanical engineer, and chemist who worked as an instrumet maker in the univerity of Glasgow. He created the watt steam engine that was an improved versión of newcomen's steam engine. He was fundamental to the Industrial Revolution. -
George Washington
He was the first president of the USA, a military leader that lead the USA to victory against the UK on the independence war. He became president in 1789 until 1797 and is considered one of the American Founding Fathers. -
Luis XVI
He was the king of France and Navarra, born in Versalles, under his reign France achieved a lot of military and political power and the assault at the Bastille happened. He was found guilty of treason and he was executed at the guilliotine the 21st of January of 1793. -
It is the name given to a political group that came from the National Assebly, they were the high bourgeoisie. -
They were the unprivileged people, the low class, usual people that didn't belong in the bourgeoisie, during the French Revolution. -
French Revolution
The citiziens of París assaulted the bastille. -
They were a revolutionary group considered the most radical side of the French Revolution. They were the low bourgeoisie and they were against the Girondins, also their leader was Robespierre. -
A French lawyer and politician who is famous because of the "Reign of Terror". He was the leader of the Jacobines during the first revolution. Then he became a dictator because of his desire of killing everyone who disagreed with the ideals of the liberalism, he killed more tha 50000 people in the guilliotine. He is one of the most influential figures of the French Revolution. -
Thomas Jefferson
The 3rd president of the USA, he was the main author of the declaration of independence, he also was a man of the Enlightenment, born in Virginia in 1743 and also considered one of the American Founding Fathers. -
Napoleon Bonaparte
He was a military leader and emperor of France, born in Corsicca. He expanded his reign to more than France, covering almost halve of Europe. He fought on a lot of battles but in Waterloo he lost against a coalition that consisted of the reigns of Austria, Russia, Prussia and The United Kingdom. -
George Stephenson
He was an English civil engineer and mechanical engineer, he created the rail transport (railways) wich was a very big achievement at the Industrial Revolution. -
Pierre Joseph Proudhon
He was a French politician and the founder of mutualist philosophy. He also was the first person to declare himself an anarchist. He is even considered by many to be the "father of anarchism". He became a member of the French Parliament after the revolution of 1848. -
Mijail Bakunin
Bakunin was a Russian revolutionary anarchist, founder of collectivist anarchism. He is considered one of the most influential figures of anarchism, and one of the most important founders of the social anarchist tradition. -
Friedrich Engles
He was a German philosopher, social scientist, journalist and businessman. He also founded Marxist theory together with Karl Marx and in 1845 published The Condition of the Working Class in England, based on personal observations and research in Manchester. -
Karl Marx
Karl Marx was a German philosopher, economist, historian, political theorist, sociologist, journalist and revolutionary socialist. He lived a long time in London were he published a lot of works talking about the society of the time, with other philosophers. -
Abraham Lincoln
The 16th president of the USA, born in Kentucky in 1809, he stoped the slavery in the USA, preserved the union and lead the USA in the secession war, he also made the government stronger and modernized the economy. -
Period: to
Second Industrial Revolution
In this period everything from the first Industrial Revolution improved , new types of energies apeard such as electricity and chemistry, telephone was invented, in transport the underground and the plane also apeard. The bigest powers were the USA and Germany. -
Thomas Alva Edison
He was an American inventor and businessman, he invented the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the long-lasting, practical electric light bulb. He was a very important person in the Industrial Revolution.