Logan Henderson

  • Industry Vs. Inferiority

    Logan (Age 9) while in math class in school, aced his chapter 8 test on the first try. His teacher told him he did very well and his classmate told him he did a good job (Industry) The crisis in this stage is if he had failed his test or done poorly and his peers had made fun of him that may have had a more negative effect on his mentality and development, such as self image (Inferiority)
  • Intimacy Vs. Isolation

    Logan at the age of 21 met his future wife in a bar while out with his friends, he talked to her for hours and ultimately ended up asking her out on a date (Intimacy) The crisis in this stage is if he hadn’t known how to take the time to get to know her and form a relationship because of a previous stage or the inability to connect to others (Isolation)
  • Generativity vs. Stagnation

    Logan, at the age of 48 has a good job as a professor at a college, he is molding the minds of others, mentoring, and teaching other people life skills. (Generativity) The crisis in this stage is if he hadn’t completed his education he may not have had the opportunity to feel a contribution to the world in a positive way (stagnation)