Julius caesar

Tien Le

  • Dead

    <font size="30" face="freestyle script">Julius Caesar was in a meeting to sign a paper to recall his exiled brother. Mark Antony, who had learned the plot of his assassination was on his way, until he was directed somewhere else. One person pulled on his robe, where everyone stabbed him repeatly, 23 times. He died from loss of blood.</font>
  • Period: to

    From Birth to Death

    Campaign - Gained power and leadership Trio - gained money and powerful alliances Conquest of Gaul - Freed their ally from the Germanic Tribes Civil War -Defeated Pompey and gained all of Rome
  • Rise in Popularity

    Rise in Popularity
    <font size="30" face="freestyle script">Though he was a dictator after he killed Pompey, Julius was fairly loved and popular. He made great games and celebrations on his victories. He no longer did anything to his enemies except ignore them which made everyone have no conflict with his rule. With is popularity, he was voted dictator for life.</font>
  • Reformation of Rome

    Reformation of Rome
    <font size="30" face="freestyle script">When Julius Caesar became the dictator of Rome, he saw how disorganized Rome had become, so he set himself goals to carry out. He wanted to get rid of riots. He wanted to streghten Romes government, and bring Rome together. He also reformed a calender, which was very important. To enforce the reforms, he makes police carry them out.</font>
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Caesar's civil war<font size="30" face="freestyle script">As Crassus died, Julius and Pompey ended their allience. Pompey and most of the Senate ordered Caesar disband his army and return to Pome because his term as governor has ended. Caesar didn't listen and he crossed the Rubicon, which had officailly started the civil war. Though Caesar onlu had one legion as an army, Pompey fled, and Caesar pursued and killed him.</font>
  • Death of a Legacy

    Death of a Legacy
    <font size="30" face="freestyle script">As Caesar tries to return from Gaul, Crassus dies in a war to the north. Since only together they were balanced, Pompey grew less to the allience. When Caesar crossed the Rubicon, a civil war had began.</font>
  • Gallic War

    Gallic War
    Gallic War
    <font size="30" face="freestyle script">For years, Romans have feared yet respected the Gauls. They became allies, since Gaul was very powerful and wealthy. When the gauls were attacked by the Germanic Tribes, Julius Caesar had then earned his forth legion. As allies do, Julius came and conquered the Germanic tribes. Though, there was a Gallic revolt that lead to Caesar destroying over 1 million people.</font>
  • Rise of the Triumvirate

    Rise of the Triumvirate
    The First Triumvirate
    <font size="30" face="freestyle script">As Caesar grew stronger and stronger, he went deep in debt. As he teamed up with Crassus and Pompey, only together would they have enough power, money, and populatirty to be great. At first, the trio was secret, but then the Senate found out. They admited to the triumvirate. It then became offical for them.</font>
  • Campaigns and Leadership

     Campaigns and Leadership
    Campaigns<font size="30" face="freestyle script">Julius had to campaign for important titles and he used those titles to get him in more important postions and have greater control over area. Even though he used bribes and threats, he was counted as being voted.</font>
    <font size="25" face="freestyle script"><ul><li>Consul</li>
    <li>Pontifex Maximus </li> ▼
    <li>Ranger </li>
    <li>General of 4 legions</li>
  • Gone and Returned

    <font size="30" face="freestyle script">When Lucius Cornelius Sulla declared himself dictator, he exiled all of his enemies, which meant Caesar too, since he was the married to the daughter of one of the enemies, and nephew of another. He left Rome to join the army, and in 78 BC, he came back, because Sulla had died.</font>
  • Birth of Julius Caesar

    Birth of Julius Caesar
    Julius Caesar
    <font size="30" face="freestyle script">Julius Caesar was born on July 13, 100 BC
    He was said to be born in a family related to Iulus who was the descentant Aeneas, who is the son of Venus. When his father died, he was the head of the family since he was sixteen and the oldest male.</font>