Tidslinje Roverandom

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    Plays with ball

    We meet a small, young dog named Roverandom, who is playing with his yellow ball in a garden. He is feeling very lucky and happy.
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    Attacks a wizard

    A wizard arrives in the garden and takes Roverandom's ball. The wizard just wants to play, but Rover doesn't understand that. Therefore, he attacks the wizard and rips his trousers off. He even manages to rip some of the wizard´s skin off as well. As a consequence of this, the wizard says ¨Idiot! Go be a toy".
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    Sent to toy shop

    Roverandom becomes a toy and loses the ability to make sound, and also decreases in form of weight and height. He goes from being a small dog, to a small pet dog. After he realizes this, he also finds out that he is in a toy shop.
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    Sold to a family

    After staying some days in the toy shop, Roverandom is bought by a mother, who gives him to her youngest son.
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    Escapes from the family

    Roverandom figures that he can move when nobody is looking, so he searches for an opportunity to escape from his new family. One day when he is brought to the beach by the little kids` older brothers, he manages to escape.
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    Able to move

    Suddenly, when Roverandom is laying there on the beach, the tide starts moving. During the panic does he find out that he can move properly again. He is not a toy anymore.
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    Meets Psamathos

    When Roverandom is on the beach, he meets the wizard Psamathos. Psamathos provides him with food and lets him fly his seagull named Mew.
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    Flies to the moon

    Mew flies Roverandom to the moon, where he stays with the Man-In-The-Moon and his dog Rover.
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    Goes on a trip with Rover

    Rover and Roverandom go for a trip and they end up at the dark side of the moon, in the White Dragons cave. The dragon chases them but the Man-In-The-Moon defeats him and sends him back.
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    Goes on a trip with the Man-In-The-Moon

    Roverandom and the Man-In-The-Moon go to the middle of the moon, where they meet children who are there in their dreams. The little boy (his second owner) is there, and he plays with Roverandom.
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    Meets Uin

    Roverandom meets Uin, a large whale who happens to be the Man-In-The-Moon´s friend.
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    Meets Artaxerxes in the sea

    Uin brings Roverandom to Artaxerxes (the wizard from the beginning of the story) to ask for forgiveness. He goes there because he wants to be his old size again.
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    Goes on a trip with mer-dog Rover to the sea-serpent´s cave

    Roverandom meets Artaxerxes´ dog, named mer-dog-Rover, and they get to know each other. They follow Artaxerxes to the giant sea-serpent´s cave, where they accidentally wake the monster up.
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    Artaxerxes is expelled from the sea

    As a result of the dogs waking the sea-serpent up from its hibernation, Artaxerxes is expelled from the ocean. He is expelled because the sea-serpent believes he is the one that woke him up. The sea-serpent´s only demand for staying in hibernation is that Artaxerxes is banned from the ocean forever.
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    Gets his size and former home back

    Roverandom follows Artaxerxes to land after the ban. He is hoping that Artaxerxes will give him his old size and home back again. Roverandoms dreams and hopes are fulfilled when he in the end of the story gets his old size and home back as he wished. When he is finally home, he also discovers that the old woman who was his first owner also is the grandmother of the little kid who was his second owner.