
Thomas Kuhn

By gmuscg
  • Place of Birth

    Thomas Kuhn was born on July 18th, 1922; In Cincinnati Ohio, and is the son of an industrial engineer who also attended MIT and Harvard.
  • Higher Education (1946-1949)

    Kuhn attended the prestigious Harvard University where he completed his Master's Degree in Physics and later attained his Doctorate in 1949. Kuhn wrote his thesis on "Cohesive Energy of Monovalent Metals as a function of the Atomic Quantum Defects" (Kuhn 1949). As a result, he was accepted as a member of the "Society of Fellows" at Harvard.
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    Kuhn continued to stay at Harvard but not as a student; he thus became a tenured Professor. As a teacher he began to dive into the work of Aristotle; this resulted in a fascination with Aristotle's teachings and discoveries. Within this Kuhn began to turn his focus on to where science had cam from. This resulted in him publishing his first book " The Copernican Revolution". His path would take him from Harvard to Berkley were he was given the title Professor of Science.
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    Being called a professor of Science was not Kuhns's first choice he would rather be known as a professor of philosophy; he accepted the position. After much debate, he was able to settle on being a professor in history. Kuhn then develops the paradigm theory and presents this in his book where he challenges the "normal science". Here we see the development and breakdown of how the science of the past is contradicted by science of today. https://youtu.be/UH_kXuhRIoQ
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    Later Years

    Kuhn continued to write many essays which were stated as "Revolutionising Science"; in turn throwing into shift the ay in which not only science but all things could be brought into question as it relates to his paradigm theory. His two essays " The Essential Tension and Quantum Discontinuity" divulged into his theories and philosophies of Science even more". Thomas Kuhn departed this world on 17 June 1996 at 73 years old after losing his battle to cancer.