The True Story of The 3 Little Pigs

  • Event 1

    The wolf was making a cake for his grandmas birthday.
  • Event 2

    He needed a cup of sugar
  • Event 3

    He went to visit the pig whose house was made of straw
  • Event 4

    He knocked on the door and said little pig little pig are you in?
  • Event 5

    Then he sneezed and blew the pigs house in
  • Event 6

    Then he ate the dead pig
  • Event 7

    Then he went to the next pigs house made of sticks and knocked and said little pig little pig are you in and the pig said go away wolf I'm shave the the hairs on my chins chin chin then he sneezed again and the house fell down and killed the pig and ate it
  • Event 8

    The the wolf went to the next pigs house made of brick then he knocked of the door and asked if the pig was in and the pig told him to go away then he had to sneeze and he sneezed and the house didn't fall over
  • Event 9

    Then the pig said and your old Grammy cam sit on a pin and then the wolf got mad and the cops showed up he was mad then the cops brought him to jail