Milkman is born
Milkman is bron on the same day when Robert Smith jumped off the building. Milkman was also born in a hospital that typically only treated white patients. -
Milkman gets his nickname
Ruth is found by Freddie nursing Milkman and this is how Milkman gets the name Milkman. -
Milkman pees on Lena
Milkman becomes friends with Guitar
This is the first time Milkman meets Pilate. He meets her after his new friend, Guitar, goes with him. He also meets Hagar whom he kind of falls in love with. Through this experience he discovers that Pilate doesn't have a naval which was a superstition around town orginially. -
Milkman Meets Pilate, Reba, and Hagar
Macon Jr. tells Milkman the memories he has of his father
Milkman starts a relationship with Hagar
Milkman Hides his height deformity
Milkman hides his height deformity. He trys to appear different and more sophisticated and it works in masking that one of his legs is shorter than the other. -
Milkman Hits Macon, defending his mother
Milkman Picks out presents
He doesn't really care what he is giving them. When he is picking out a present for Hagar at the drug store he isn't really sure what to give her. He decides to end the relationship that they had also. -
Hagar tries to kill Milkman six times after he gives her a thank you note during chistmas
Milkman and Guitar see the White peacock before they steal the sack of gold
The white peacock represents white people in general. Milkman admires the wealth, elegance, and class of white people where as Guitar just wants to kill them because of his membership in the 7 days -
Milkman and Guitar steal the tarp bag that is supposed to contain Gold
Instead the bag contains the bones of the man that Macon had killed -
Milkman and Guitar are arrested
Pilate and Macon bail them out of Jail. -
Milkman enters the cave and finds nothing
Milkman Departs to go find the Gold
Milkman stops in Danville
Milkman meets Reverend Cooper
Reverend Cooper points him in the direction of Shalimar. Milkman meets a lot of people that "knew" Macon jr. and his father Macon. -
Milkman Meets Circe
Circe looks over the Butler's place. She desires to see it crumble. She is around 150 years old at this point. -
The fan belt in the car breaks
After doing some research he discovered that the town he was looking for was called Shalimar. He stops in it because his fan belt breaks not realizing it is actually Shalimar. -
Guitar tries to kill Milkman during the hunting trip in Shalimar
Guitar thinks Milkman sent the gold elsewhere. He believes this because Milkman went to the shipping yard to ask Reverend Cooper a question and helped him while he was there. -
Milkman Learns the truth
He learns that his great grandfather was actually Solomon whom the town is closley named after. He also learns that the bones he stole from Pilate were not the bones of the man that Macon jr. had killed but of Macon. -
Milkman returns home
Milkman tells Pilate return to Shalimar
Milkman returns home. He realizes that Hagar died. When he goes to visit Pilate, she hits and knocks him out. He then tells her everything and they go to Shalimar. -
Pilate is killed by Guitar
Guitar kills pilate when they are burying the bones of Macon. -
Milkman flies away(dies)
he throws himself in the direction of Guitar into Ryna's gulch.