The Secret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson Book 1

  • marriage

    John Wilson and Polly Hutchison get married.
    They have a son named George who looks up to his father.
    Johns parents passed away and his brother Alex got the family business
    John and Pollys brother James invested money into several greenhouses.
  • Scandal

    Alex bankrupts the family business.
    Alex steals money from an old family friend.
    John steals the invested money in the gardens to help Alex.
    Alex borrowed money from his his sister Mary
  • Canada

    John fears the scandal and everyone hating him so he runs to canada.
    John leaves Polly while she is six months pregnant.
    He promises to be back in a year ( but that wont happen).
    His family wants him to stay but he cant face the hate and despise.
  • RNWMP (Royal North West Mounted Police)

    RNWMP (Royal North West Mounted Police)
    John is out of a job and needs work so he found a job as an officer.
    He goes to the facility in Regina for training.
    There were quite a few new recruits during the time John joined.
    but due to the collapse of the building and construction industries pay was very low everywhere.
    John is sent to Blaine Lake where he meets the Patterson`s
  • John meets Jessie

    John goes to Blaine lake to work and meets the Pattersons.
    John falls in love with Jessie because she is younger than Polly and is prettier.
    John is friends with Mr. Patterson and he suggests marriage.
    John spends lots of time with the Patterson family
  • Tuberculosis

    John had started to feel unwell went to the doctor and found out he had tuberculosis.
    Jessie supported him during the time he was ill
    He was kicked out of the RNWMP due to health and forced to stay in A tent during winter
    The Pattersons had let him stay in their home during winter.
  • Engagement

    John had proposed to Jessie when he was recovering from TB.
    He told Jessie that his current wife was not dead but the divorce was soon happening.
    He also told Jessie that his wife was a swindler.
    John survived tuberculosis and promised to repay Jessie for her kindness.
  • Hogmanay

    Polly decides that in April she will go and see if John is alive.
    John knows nothing of Polly`s plans.
  • The lie

    The lie
    john fabricated a lie about his wife to Jessie in which she is a liar and a cheat who wishes to steal his money.
    He wrote a letter from his sister saying that she wishes for him to be happy and that she (Mary) was passing away.
    John exaggerated his ability in the letter greatly.
    He even faked an old mans letter saying he was dying as well.
  • Polly`s adventure

    Polly`s adventure
    Polly has gone onto the Mauritania to go to Canada.
    She would mail many letters in Halifax to her family.
    She arrived in Regina on April 18th.
    Polly gets into contact with John.
  • Polly and John meet

    Polly and John meet
    Polly waits for john at the station.
    John has a plan to go to Regina for work but in actuality its to keep news from spreading to Blaine Lake.
    Polly fills John with all the information from the Home country
  • Jessies Letters

    John and Jessie send each other letters .
    John has to lie about Jessie to Polly under the pretext that she is young and didn't know about the marriage.
    Polly knows Johns feelings for Jessie
  • Talk of Marriage

    John and Jessie send letters discussing when the marriage is happening
    Polly's mother insists on seeing the divorce papers
    John cannot send the papers so he keeps delaying the inevitable
  • John goes back to Saskatoon

    John goes back to Saskatoon
    John becomes an alcoholic.
    He is in charge of a subdivision with 34 men under him.
    John got the go ahead from his doctor to get married
  • John gets a marriage certificate

    john gets a new marriage certificate made.
    the man selling the certificate questions why john doesn't buy a gift but doesn't say anything
    John was rather pushy about not buying anything
  • the train ride to saskatoon

    Polly and John head to Saskatoon to live there
    Polly is happy because she believes John is over Jessie
    She is going to send a letter to her family to get the kids ready
  • The "accident"

    John shot Polly in cold blood
    John is very drunk and panicking
    He buries Polly under a culvert near Blaine Lake
  • John panics

    John just realizes what he had done after he shot Polly
    he panics quite a lot and decides burying her is a good idea
    he picks beneath a culvert where it will be harder to find her
  • John gets help

    john goes to the nearest town to get help with his vehicle
    he is still in shock after the "accident".
    The man that john got help from questions his story as to why the vehicle is on fire from the smell of liquor.
    His kids ask why the suitcase has blood John says its from geese.
  • John gets married.... Again

    John meets Jessie in the Knoxx Presbyterian Church
    everybody was a little uncomfortable
    John was a little bit late to the wedding