
The Norsemen from Scandinavia

  • 793

    The Viking Longboat

    The Viking Longboat
    The Vikings built unique ships that were long and narrow, with fearsome dragons' heads on their fronts to frighten enemies. They had flat bottoms to float right on the water's surface and sail into shallow water, right onto the beach.
  • Period: 793 to 1066

    The Vikings Invasion

    The Vikings would invade empires to threaten by burning cities and stealing treasure. Their raid in western France allowed them to have their own homeland, which they called Normandy.
  • 986

    Eric the Red

    Eric the Red
    Eric was a Viking in Iceland with a bad temper, one day he killed his neighbors in a fight and ordered to leave. He sailed west and discovered Greenland. He had a son, Leif Ericsson, who became famous.
  • 1000

    Leif Ericsson

    Leif Ericsson
    Leif was the son of Eric the Red, he was determined to find a new land with green grass and food. He sailed west to find this new country and finally found a land with grapes that he called Vineland. He returned later and found this to be North America he had discovered.