The Life of the Buddha

  • 563 BCE

    Siddhartha Gautama is born in Lumbini

  • 563 BCE

    Siddhartha lives his life in a palace at Kapilavastu, Southern Nepal. His father ensures that he lives a life of luxury and does not encounter pain or suffering from others and himself

  • 547 BCE

    Siddhartha marries his cousin, Princess Yasodhara.

  • 533 BCE

    On his 29th birthday, Siddhartha decides to leave his life of luxury and his family behind and travels far away to seek answers on life. He gets rid of all his luxurious clothes and all other materialistic goods.

  • 533 BCE

    Siddhartha lives a life of self-denial and discipline

  • 533 BCE

    Siddhartha begins meditating

  • 533 BCE

    One day Siddhartha leaves the palace out of curiosity of the outside world and witnesses pain and suffering of other people, allowing him to recognise that our lives are filled with suffering.

  • 532 BCE

    Siddhartha starts to undergo asceticism

  • 528 BCE

    Siddhartha collapses after undergoing asceticism. He then realises that all he was doing was risking his life without any solution to the problems of suffering and death.

  • 528 BCE

    Siddhartha settles under the Bodhi Tree and meditates

  • 528 BCE

    Siddhartha finally achieves Enlightenment