Scott joplin

The Life of Scott Joplin

  • Scott Joplin is born.

    Scott Joplin is born.
  • Period: to

    The Life of Scott Joplin

  • His father left their family.

  • Joplin publishes "Maple Leaf Rag"

  • Created his first opera, " A Guest Of Honor "

    Created his first opera, " A Guest Of Honor "
  • He divorices his wife

    He divorced his current wife Belle to marry Freddie Alexandra
  • Admitted to Manhatten State Hospital

  • Scott Joplin dies.

  • Inducted into the songwriters Hall of Fame

    Inducted into the songwriters Hall of Fame
  • Academy Award for Best Original Song Score and Adaptation

    Academy Award for Best Original Song Score and Adaptation
    He got this award 5 decades after his death.
  • Gets his own stamp as Black Heritage Month

    Gets his own stamp as Black Heritage Month