
The History of Joseph Stalin

  • Stalin's Birth

    Stalin's Birth
    Joseph Stalin was born on December 24th, 1879, in Gori Georgia. His original name was Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. Also Stalin was the only surviving son of his family and his father Vissarion Dzhugashvili died in 1891. (
  • Stalin's Childhood

    Stalin's Childhood
    Stalin had a miserable childhood that lead him to become who he is now. As a baby he was diagnosed with smallpox which lead him to have scars on his face. A couple years later he was injured during an accident in a carriage, the experience gave Stalin a deformed arm. Other kids also criticized him and made fun of him. The bullying made him grow into who he is known as now. (
  • Joining the Bolshevik party

    Joining the Bolshevik party
    Lenin appointed Stalin to help him seize Russia, and when they did Stalin became somewhat of a leader of the Bolshevik party,
  • his rule over agriculture

    his rule over agriculture
    Stalin forced millions of Russian farmers to work for him and millions of farmer that refused to work for him were killed.
  • taking control of russia

    taking control of russia
    in the soviet government Joseph was appointed to the newly created office of general secretary of the communist party. This gave Stalin enough power to control all the party members’ appointments. He set himself as the leader of soviet russia and also gave some of his friends jobs in the communist party to help him rule russia. (
  • the pact with hitler

    the pact with hitler
    Stalin wanted to make peace with Germany so Russia would not lose his land so he created a pact with Hitler so he wouldn't get invaded.(
  • The Great Purge

    The Great Purge
    Stalin instituted the great purge in the year 1936. The Great Purge was designed to get rid of anyone who was considered a threat to him. And as a result of the purge millions of people were killed.(
  • germany invades russia

    germany invades russia
    a couple years later Hitler ignored the pact he made with Stalin and invaded Russia. When Stalin heard about this his ordered his troops to use the scorched earth policy so the land Hitler got would not be useful to him.(
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill setup a meeting to discuss a plan to defeat Germany and Japan and how they should get there people to help. Stalin promised to have free voting but never did it though.History
  • Stalin's Death

    Stalin's Death
    Joseph Stalin died on march 5th 1953 from a brain disease. (Encyclopedia of world history)