The destructors

The Destructors

  • Eve of a three-day weekend

    Eve of a three-day weekend
    A new member joins the Wormsley Common Gang, his name is Trevor, but everyone calls him T. Soon, he would become its new leader. Mike the youngest member of the gang is the only one surprised since blackie has always been the leader.
  • Trevor: the new member of the gang

    Trevor was new in town, his father was an architect but lost his job and consequently, his position in society. He joins the Wormsley common gang and earns the respect of the crew.
  • The remaining house

    The gang used to meet in a parking lot that was close to the remains of many houses that had been destructed in the war, however, one was still remaining, it was owned by an old man called Mr. Thomas, the house had some reparations that needed to be done but he wouldn't spend money on the repairs.
  • The Prank

    The gang is reunited in the parking lot discussing the prank they would be doing during the day. Trevor arrives late but comes with a big and crazy idea. He had been visiting Old Misery's house and found out that it was beautiful and that he would be out for the weekend so that they could go in and destroy it. The gang analyses the pros and cons and decides to vote, they would carry out T's plan
  • Blackie is replaced

    Trevor takes the lead of the gang since he came up with the new idea. On the other side, Blackie sees that T has taken his place and thinks about walking away, however, he considers that T's plan could make the Wormsley Common gang famous throughout all London and decided to stay.
  • Planning the prank

    T asks the gang to bring tools to destroy the house, Blackie promised to bring a sledgehammer, lastly, T divided the assignments for the next day.
  • Starting the destruction

    The gang enters the house and star destroying as worms inside of an apple, they destroy the inside but leave the outside intact.
  • The little treasure inside

    T found seventy-one-pound notes and showed them to Blackie, he asked if he would divide them with the gang, but T said that they weren't thieves, and instead, they would burn them one by one to celebrate.
  • The second day of destruction

    Mike and another boy don't show up. The gang starts removing the floors but forgets to remove the windows, they turn on the water and it ran down the stairs wetting all the house.
  • Old Misery is back

    Mike was walking with his mother and wasn't able to join the gang, while he was walking, he saw Old Misery coming home early due to the rain and escaped from his mother to warn the gang. The gang was nervous but rapidly took action and stood guard in front and behind the house.
  • Earning time

    A boy stood guard in the lavatory and saw Old Misery approaching the door and cleaning his shoes, they caught his attention by telling him that another boy was trapped in the lavatory and needed his help. He recognized T from the day he showed him his house, he was leading him to the lavatory.
  • The Lavatory

    Old Misery went to the lavatory to help the boy when he arrived he asked what was wrong, but no one replied. T told him that the boy might have fainted, so he came in and the boys locked him in.
  • Final touches to the masterpiece

    The gang goes back to the house and does the most dangerous part of the job. Meanwhile, they gave Mr.Thomas a blanket and food and told him that he would no longer be comfortable at his house
  • The Lorry Driver

    A Lorry Driver comes to the parking lot and heard someone shouting, but decided to ignore it. He tried to move his truck but he couldn't, since it was attached to a wooden strut. The lorry driver came across the outdoor lavatory and let Old Misery out and started laughing because he was standing “with such dignity between the bomb-sites like a man in a top hat”