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the curious incident of the dog in the night-time

  • 2: Wellington is murdered

    Christopher found Mrs. Shears dog murdered with a pitchfork. Christopher then pulled the fork out of the dog and held him. Then Mrs. Shears found Christopher out in her garden with Wellington and proceeded to call the police. When the police arrive they questioned Christopher and he got upset and hit one of the officers.
  • 3: Christopher is arrested

    At the police station they locked him in a cell by himself and took everything that he had in his pockets. He said that he likes the police because they have uniforms and numbers. Christopher's father arrived 1:12 AM, but he did not see him until 1:28 AM. When father saw Christopher he spread his fingers into a fan to touch fingertips, this let him know that everything was ok.
  • 7: Christopher decides to write a book

    Siobhan encouraged Christopher to write a book about something that he would read. He decides to write about the murder.
  • 11: Christopher's mother's death

    Christopher's father told him after work one day, "I am afraid you will not be seeing your mother for a while, she needs rest and needs to be on her own." His mother supposedly died two weeks after this.
  • 13: Christopher decides to do detective work for his novel

    Christopher's father told me to get my nose out of others business, but he wanted to find out who killed Wellington. Christopher made a map of the neighborhood, with numbers for each house. He then went around questioning each house. He met Mrs. Alexander, who was very helpful to him. From his detective work he finds that Mr. Shears is a prime suspect.
  • 17: Christopher's father talks to him

    He told Christopher five rules to remember. 1. Not to mention Mr. Shears name in our house. 2. Not to go asking Mrs. Shears about who killed that bloody dog. 3. Not to go asking anyone who killed that bloody dog. 4. Not to go trespassing in other people's gardens. 5. To stop this ridiculous detective game.
  • 29: Christopher searches for his book

    While his father was at work Christopher began searching in the dust bin and throughout the whole house, leaving his father's room for last. In his father's room he finds a shirt box and opens it to find his book inside. He heard father's van pull in and this is when he found the envelopes with his name on them. He took one and hid it under his mattress.
  • 19: Christopher decides it would be okay to talk to Mrs. Alexander

    Christopher saw five red cars in a row, which made it a super good day, so Christopher was feeling brave when he saw Mrs. Alexander. He began talking to her and Mrs. Alexander accidently told Christopher that Mr. Shears left Mrs. Shears because he was having an affair with Christopher's mother.
  • 23: Christopher's father finds the book

    Christopher leaves the book on the table where his father finds it after coming home from work. The book includes the chat with Mrs. Alexander and all of his research in the case of Wellington. Father comes into the TV room and is very angry with Christopher. They have a fight and Christopher ended up scratched and bloody. Father throws the book away in the dust bin outside.
  • 31: Christopher reads the letters

    The first letter was from his mother, 18 months after she passed away. Six days later Christopher finds more letters, all from his mother. When he reads them he finds out why she left and also comes to the conclusion that his mom is still alive. He becomes sick and his mind goes blank. His father finds him, cleans him up, and apologizes.
  • 37: Christopher discovers who killed Wellington

    Later that night Father tells Christopher that he killed Wellington. Christopher feels as if he cannot trust his father any more. He hides in the garden and realizes that he has five options: living with Mrs. Shears, going home, staying in the garden, going to live with Uncle Terry, or going to London to live with his mother. The best and only option is going to live with his mom.
  • 43: Christopher goes to the train station

    Christopher has decided to go to London. He gets Toby, his fathers cashpoint card, and his Swiss Army Knife and heads off to the Train Station. He arrives at the station and is trying to buy his ticket. A policeman stops to help him get from place to place. The policeman follows Christopher onto the train and attempts to get Christopher to go back to the police station to talk to his father. The train then starts moving with both of them on it.
  • 47: Christopher hides

    On the train Christopher accidently wets himself, so the policeman instructs him to go the the bathroom. In the bathroom Christopher hides on a shelf where they keep the luggage. The policeman could not find him and got off the train on the next stop. Christopher rode the train until he got to London, where he got off.
  • 53: London

    In London he gets instructions from a lot of people, and buys a map from someone. He rides the subway but ends up falling into a pit whilst trying to save Toby, where he was saved by a man in pinstripes. Eventually he finds his way to mothers house.
  • 61: Swindon

    When they arrive in Swindon, they stay in the old house for a while. Christopher was able to take his A levels, which had previously been rescheduled. His father tries to apologize to Christopher, but he did not want to talk to him.
  • 59: With his mother

    His mother welcomes him with open arms, but Mr. Shears is disgusted by him being there. Christopher explains to his mother that his father told him she was dead. Christopher stays with them for a week before his mother and him head back to Swindon.
  • 67: The End

    Christopher got an A grade on his A Levels and is scheduled to take more A levels in the following years. He gets a dog from his father, he names it Sandy. He believes he can do anything because he solved the mystery and wrote a book.