Scrooge at school
"The school isn't quite deserted" said the Ghost "A solitary child neglected by his friends is left there still" (Dickens 31) "To hear scrooge expending all the earnestness of his nature on such subjects in the most extraordinary voice between laughing and crying, to see his heightened and excited face would have been a surprise to his business friends..."(Dickens 32) it shows DIRECTLY that he was a lonely child and that Scrooge wasn't always this way and his LOOKS would have been surprising. -
The perfect boss
Scrooge had a good role model for a boss but chose not to follow in his wake.
"The Spirit signed to him to listen to the 2 apprentices, who were pouring out their hearts in praise of Fezziwig:..." (Dickens 34)
This demonstrates through Fezziwig's EFFECTS on others how he is such a good boss. -
Scrooge and Bell
"...You are changed. When it was made, you were another man."
His own fiance knows he has changed through his EFFECT on her and not for the better. (Dickens 38) -
Marly comes to visit
"I wear the chains i forged in life pelied the ghost i made it link by link and yard by yard i girded it on my own free will and of my own free will i wore it is its pattern strange to you. Scrooge trembled more and more....'speak comfort to me' 'I have none to give'" (Dickens 21) This indirectly shows through Scrooges ACTION of trembling that he is afraid of what is to come. -
On the street
"Nobody ever stopped him on the street to say, with gladsome looks "my dear scrooge how are you? when will you come to see me?" no beggars implored him to bestow a trifle, no children asked him what o'clock it was ...even blind man's dogs appeared to know him and when they saw him coming on, would tug there owners into doreways..." (Dickens 12) His EFFECT on others show how much of a mean meiser he is. -
He changes his tune a little
"... If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future the child will die." "No,no" said scrooge. "Oh no kind Spirit! say he will be spared"...Scrooge ung his head to hear his own words quoted by the spirit and was overcome with penitence and grief." (Dickens 52)
Through his ACTIONS and his SPEECH you can tell that he is starting to rethink his approach at life (foreshadowing) -
A Turkey for Bob Cratchit
"I'll send it to Bob Cratchit's!' whispered Scrooge rubbing his hands and splitting with a laugh 'He shant know who sends it. Its twice the size of Tiny Tim. Joe Miller never made such a joke as sending it to Bob will be." (Dickens 77)
Scrooge wasn't being stingy with his money and was trying to help out a struggling family this shows how he has changed through his ACTIONS -
A Big fire and a new salary
"...and therefore I am going to raise your salary!" .... "Make up the fires, and buy another coal-scuttle before you dot another i." (Dickens 80)
Scrooge has never let him have a fire in order to save money but today he did and raised hid salary . This shows how Scrooge has changed through his SPEECH -
The Body Robbers
"His blankets?" Said Joe "Whose elso do you think? replied the woman "ain't likely to take cold without 'em i dare say." (Dickens 67)
Scrooge is so hated that they rob him not even a day after his death. EFFECT -
The future comes sooner than it should.
"Scrooge crept towards it, trembling as he went, and following the finger read upon the stone of the neglected grave his own name..." (Dickens 72) This shows how he will turn out if he doesn't change and how afraid he is through his ACTION.