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The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian

  • Arnold Spirit Jr.

    Arnold Spirit Jr.
    Arnold Spirit Jr., referred to as Junior, was born with a mess of complications like excess cerebral spinal fluid, which he received surgery to remove. He was born with 42 teeth instead of the normal 32 teeth that most people have. With a huge head, hands, and feet, the skinniness of his body created a perfect canvas for bullies to enjoy.
  • Oscar the dog

    Oscar the dog
    With a mess of bullies and an unstable life with alcoholic parents, Juinor's only dependable friend was his beloved dog oscar. When oscar fell ill and Junior had no way of getting the money to help him, Junior's dad made the decision to pacify the sick pup. This destroyed Junior.
  • Spokane Reservation Powwow

    Spokane Reservation Powwow
    Rowdy is Junior's best friend. During the summer before their freshman year, Rowdy convinces Junior to go to the Annual Spokane Reservation Powwow. After getting there Rowdy trips into a van which triggers his anger issues, so he starts hitting the van with a shovel, which causes Junior to flee. While running, Junior comes into contact with 3 angry drunk men who beat him. Because of feeling bad for causing this, Junior sneaks into their camp and cuts off their braids to make it up to Junior.
  • Geometry Class

    Geometry Class
    Junior is looking forward to his freshman year of high school, but is most excited about his favorite subject, geometry. After he gets his textbook, he sees his mother's name in the book from 30 years ago which plunges him into a fit of rage and he throws his book at his teacher's face, breaking his nose and putting junior in suspension. After Mr. P comes to apologize about the conditions of the schools, claiming there is no hope on the reservation and telling Junior to look for other schools.
  • School

    Taking Mr. P's advice, Junior decides to go to a primarily white school in Redran, which is over 20 miles away. Junior has to take rides from his parent's friends and hitchhikes because of his family's financial problems. Junior soon developed a crush on Penelopy. Because of his race and disabilities, the bullying continues. Roger, the school jock insults Junior with a racist joke, for which Junior quickly punches roger in the face. This gains rogers respect and makes Junior more popular.
  • Betrayal

    Many are jealous or upset at Junior for leaving and feel betrayed by him. Many people shun him or bully him worse than before. Juniors crush on Penelope develops and he strives to show her he is a good person, so he goes door to door to raise money for the homeless and underprivileged. As people start to find out that he is carrying a large amount of cash he gets jumped by three people in masks, and he is sure that one of them was his old bestie Rowdy and that he has no friends anymore left.
  • Mary

    Junior has a sister Mary, who Mr. P claims is even smarter and more talented that Junior, but that the reservation crushed her spirit and caused her to spiral down life. Mary soon gets married to a gambler that she meets in the casino, she moves to his home state of Montana without ever saying goodbye to her family or friends. Junior is concerned that he caused this and that she is trying to compete with him and also leave the reservation.
  • Ballin'

    Soon junior decides to join the Redran Basketball team. After he plays against Roger and impresses the coaches, he gets into the varsity team. Soon after they have to play the team from Juniors old reservation school, where he is relentlessly bullied, and even needs the attention of an EMT after being assaulted with a quarter... and soon after Rowdy gives Junior a concussion and the team loses. A few weeks later they play again and they win against the reservation school because of Junior.
  • Tragety Strikes

    Tragety Strikes
    Soon after the basketball game where Junior feels confident about life, strategies start to pile up. First, Junior's grandmother passes away after being killed by a drunk driver. Soon after Junior is informed by the school guidance counselor that his sister Mary died in a fire while being incapacitated by overdrinking. To make matters worse, Junior is blamed by Rowdy and others for Mary's death.
  • Period: to

    The healing

    After all these trageties, Junior still tries his hardest to take care of his family and himself by finishing the year with a good report card. Soon after his parents vow that they will never drink again to prevent any more suffering to Junior and to their community. Later in the year, in the summer, rowdy comes to Juniors house and wants to make amends and asks if Junior wants to hangout and plays one on one, which is the ending of Juniors story.