Teresa of Calcutta was born on August 26, 1910 -
His name was...
- Teresa of Calcutta, of secular name Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu and also known as Saint Teresa of Calcutta or Mother Teresa of Calcutta, was a catholic nun of Albanian naturalized Indian origin, who founded the Congregation of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta in 1950.
She had a hard childhood...
- He made his first communion at the age of five and was confirmed at six; At eight o'clock his father died and his family went through a period of economic hardship. He received a solid Christian formation at home and in the Jesuit parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
It took the name of Teresa for Saint Therese of Lisieux...
- At 18 he left home to go to Ireland and entered the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, better known as the Sisters of Loreto. It took the name of Teresa in honor of Saint Teresa of Lisieux, Patroness of the missions and Doctor of the Church.
She was a teacher at a school in Calcutta...
- He arrived in Calcutta on January 6, 1929, feast of the Epiphany or descent of kings to work as a teacher. On May 24, 1937, feast of perpetual profession, becoming then, as she said, "Jesus' wife" for "all eternity."
She left the Sisters of Loreto to found the Missionaries of Charity...
- He spent many years in the Congregation of the Sisters of Loreto dedicating himself to teaching. On September 10, 1946, on a trip to his annual retreat, he received what he called the "call within the call" in which a thirst for love and souls took possession of his heart
She had visions of Jesus...
- Through locutions and visions, Jesus was showing him the new mission to which he called her. "Come and be my light," the Lord begged. Christ revealed his pain for the forgetfulness of the poor, his sorrow for the ignorance they had of him and the desire to be loved by them.
She went to Mass daily and confessed weekly...
- He began his day with the Eucharist and left the house with the rosary in his hand to serve the Lord in the poorest. He went to the confession once a week. On October 7, 1950, the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, the new Congregation of the Missionaries of Charity was officially established
His first work outside India was founded in Venezuela...
In the 1960s, Mother Teresa began sending her sisters to various parts of India. The first work that opened outside that country was established in Venezuela. Then they expanded to other continents and even reached communist countries such as the former Soviet Union and Cuba. -
She founded several associations derived from the Missionaries of Charity...
Mother Teresa also founded the Missionary Brothers of Charity, the contemplative branch of the Sisters, the Contemplative Brothers, the Missionary Fathers of Charity, the Collaborators of Mother Teresa and the Sick and Suffering Collaborators. He also initiated the Corpus Christi Priestly Movement. -
She had many years of "darkness"...
In his inner life he experienced a deep, painful and constant feeling of separation from God, even of feeling rejected by Him, together with a growing desire for his love. She called this inner experience "darkness" that began more or less at the beginning of her service to the poor and that continued until the end of her life. -
Death of Calcutta Teresa
September 5, 1997 -
Finish of History Teressa de Calcutta
Fast track to holiness...
Mother Teresa and St. John Paul II were great friends and met several times. The saint himself allowed the opening of his cause of beatification before five years after the death of the candidate, planned by the Church and beatified on October 19, 2003, the day on which the World Mission Day was celebrated. -
I had an "emergency novena"...
Given the large number of problems she faced frequently and in the midst of an accelerated pace of life, Mother Teresa of Calcutta invented a way to invoke the intercession of the Virgin Mary