Stephen toulmin

Stephen Toulmin (25MAR1922 - 4DEC2009)

  • Birth of Stephen Toulmin

    Birth of Stephen Toulmin
    Born 1922 in London. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from King's College, Cambridge in 1943. He learned an taught at many different colleges. An author of many different publications. Spent his works towards moral reasoning and practical arguments. He spent his last 30+ years in the United States.
  • Work Under Military

    Work Under Military
    Stephen Toulmin, after earning his Bachelor of Arts degree from King's College, was hired as a junior scientific officer. He was hired by the Ministry of Aircraft Production. He initially started at Radar Research and Development then later moved on to Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Germany. He does not mention much of what he has done in those years but returned to England in 1947.
  • Toulmin Model of Arument

    Toulmin Model of Arument
    Stephen Toulmin created a layout that provides a flowchart for a disagreement. The intention of the model is to have a discussion that is professional as well as efficient. The model typically consists of six parts. Data is used to prove the argument. Claim is your thesis. Warrant is the connector of the data and claim. Qualifiers add strength to the argument due to conditions. Rebuttal is the counter argument. Backing is another reinforcement.
  • Human understanding, vol. 1. The Collective Use and Evolution of Concepts

    Human understanding, vol. 1. The Collective Use and Evolution of Concepts
    In 1972, Stephen Toulmin was working as professor at University of California Santa Cruz when he published his book Human Understanding: The Collective Use and Evolution of Concepts. The main goal was to analyze influences of Toulmin in Kuhn regarding scientific prediction. His other goal with this book was to dive into the subject of human understanding. This and his other works are now used by students and researches.
  • Stephen Toulmin Last Recorded Interview

    Stephen Toulmin Last Recorded Interview
    Stephen Toulmin in his what seems to be his last recorded interview. The interview goes over the rights of human test subjects. He states that the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research is crucial. What else mentioned are the many positions he has held in his lifetime which ended 5 years later.
  • Death of Stephen Toulmin

    Death of Stephen Toulmin
    Stephen Toulmin died from heart failure, said his son. He died at he age of 87 in Los Angeles, California. Mr. Toulmin considered to be a disciple of Ludwig Wittgenstein. he is survived by his son; Greg, fourth wife, Donna; a sister, Rachel Toulmin of Padua, Italy; three other children, Polly Macinnes of Skye, Scotland, Camilla Toulmin of London and Matthew Toulmin of Melbourne, Australia; and 13 grandchildren.