1983 BCE
Howard Gardner
He published his theory of 7 distinct intelligences. -
1980 BCE
Benjamin Bloom
He summarized his life's work in his book "All Our Children Learning." -
1977 BCE
Social Cognitivists
Bandura provided his concept of self-efficacy, refuted the traditional learning theory for understanding learning. -
1972 BCE
Jean Piaget
He established his theory of equilibrium. -
1969 BCE
Erik Erikson
He wrote "Gandhi's Truth" which focused on his theory as applied to the later stages in life. -
1967 BCE
Howard Gardner
He became a part of Project Zero Research Team -
1963 BCE
Social Cognitivists
Alfred Bandura and Walters broadened the basic idea of social learning to include principles such as observational learning and vicarious reinforcement. -
1955 BCE
Jean Piaget
He created and directed until his death the International Center for Genetic Epistemology -
1950 BCE
Erik Erikson
Erikson explained his eight stages of development theory in his book "Childhood and Society." -
1948 BCE
Benjamin Bloom
He created a system of classification called Bloom's taxonomy. -
1936 BCE
B. F. Skinner wrote "The Behavior of Organisms" and introduced the concept of operant conditioning. -
1919 BCE
John Dewey
He co-founded the New School for Social Research -
1913 BCE
John Watson wrote an article entitled “Psychology as the behaviorist views it” -
1899 BCE
John Dewey
Dewey wrote his first work on education "School and Society."