

By 21tb
  • Olaudah Equiano Birth

    Olaudah was born into a fortunate family as his dad was an elder in the village and had many slaves working in his fields, in his younger years he would sit in the trees and wait to see if there was any kidnappers coming to get them, they were to protect against this huge threat to his father.
  • He caught someone trying to kidnap them

    His heroic act helping a fellow child from slavery
  • Olaudah Equiano

    He was taken by slave traders and brought to the forest where he was then dragged along the beach and sold bet
    ween slave traders before eventually finding his way to his final slave trader destination.
  • He was tested to see if he was good enough

    Olaudah was thrown in the air and tested to see if he could withstand what had lay ahead, they then decided that they wanted to kill him however eventually came to the decision to spare his life.
  • He was thrown in with all of the other slaves

    Olaudah Equiano was thrown amongst the other slaves after passing out and was given a shock as he now realised the fear of where he may end up.