Significant Events Throughout Jesus's Life

By vonc22
  • 1 CE

    Jesus Teaches People About God

    Jesus Teaches People About God
    Jesus traveled the lands to spread the word about God and how he could show them a better way of life. he taught everyone and anyone. He would tell them how powerful and accepting he was and how God would protect them and how God could provide rich crops and clean water. Jesus also turned 1 piece of bread and fish into tons to feed the big crowd he was teaching.
  • 1 CE


    Jesus was born in Bethlehem on Christmas day and kings from far lands and shepards came to see him.
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    Jesus Visits The Temple

    Jesus Visits The Temple
    Young Jesus (12) left his parents in panic after his disappearance to the temple in Jerusalem. He sat among teachers and asked them questions for 3 days. he temple men was astonished at his wisdom and maturity, his parents walked in and asked why he had ran away. Jesus told them "Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”
  • 1 CE

    Jesus Heals The Sick

    Jesus Heals The Sick
    Jesus has grown up and believed that God will guide him down the right path. god gives Jesus the ability to heal the sick. He heals a blind man, a man who couldn't walk and a man wrapped in bandages.
  • 1 CE

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    Jesus gathered his disciples and told them that he would treat the tonight as his equal. He would wash there feet and break bread with them. He also said one of them would betray him tonight and that this would be their last dinner together. He took a piece of bread broke it and said "this is my body which will be given up for you.". then he took the chalice drank from it and said. "this is my blood which will be given up for you". "Do this i memory of me."
  • 1 CE

    Jesus On The Cross

    Jesus On The Cross
    Judas (one of the disciples) had dobbed Jesus in for silver coins and Jesus is faced with the punishment of crucifixion. Jesus was force to carry a large cross up a hill where he was to be nailed to a cross and left to die.
  • 1 CE

    Jesus Rises

    Jesus Rises
    Jesus died on the cross and was put into a tomb. A few days later Mary and some other women came to anoint Jesus with some special oils. When they got to the tomb Jesus was no longer their instead an angel sat at the front and said. "Jesus has risen!, go spread the good word."
  • 1 CE

    Jesus Walks On Water

    Jesus Walks On Water
    Jesus went fishing with his disciples and a storm cam around Jesus had fell asleep and the disciples were panicking. Jesus woke up and said to his disciples. "have faith in God he will protect us, do not be afraid." Jesus brought Peter on to the rough ocean and told him to have faith, but fear overwhelmed him and he fell in. Jesus was disappointed that he didn't have faith and calmed the ocean and helped Peter and the rest of his disciples back to shore. he said "God will always protect you"