
Oda Nobunaga

  • 1568

    Oda Nobunaga occupies Kyoto

    Oda Nobunaga occupies Kyoto
    Oda Nobunaga(a Daimyo) occupies Kyoto and installs Ashikaga Yoshiaki as the fifteenth, and last Ashikaga Shogun.
  • 1569

    Nobunaga defeats and subjugates Ise Province

    Nobunaga defeats and subjugates Ise Province
    Oda Nobunaga subjugates the Ise province of Japan.
  • 1573

    Ashikaga Yoshiaki

    Ashikaga Yoshiaki
    Ashikaga Yoshiaki lost his position as shogun. He shaved his head becoming a Buddhist priest. Initially he took the priestly name Shosan, but he eventually came to be known as Reio. In and officially resigns in 1588. He flees to exile on Shikoku and then unsuccessfully wanders the country looking for support until his death in 1597. This is the end of the Ashikaga Shôgunate.
  • 1573

    Nobunaga Attacks Lkko Believers Again

    After being defeated twice Nobunaga defeats Ikkô sect followers and their supporters in a protracted seige of their strongholds at Nagashima. He accomplishes this by by offering peace and then massacring 40,000 believers when they accept.
  • 1573

    Nobunaga Attacks Ikko believers

    Nobunaga Attacks Ikko believers
    After being defeated once Nobunaga forces attack Ikko believers in Owari Province but are defeated again.
  • Jan 23, 1573

    Battle of Mikatagahara

    Battle of Mikatagahara
    The Battle of Mikatagahara was one of the most famous battles of Takeda Shingen's campaign and one of the best showing of his strategic abilities. It also served as Tokugawa Ieyasu's worst defeats.
  • 1575

    Nobunaga's 10 Generals

    After defeating the Ikko believers Nobunaga's inner circle is now restricted to 10 generals.
  • 1576

    Nobunaga's Castle

    Nobunaga's Castle
    Nobunaga commences building a castle on Azuchiyama on eastern bank of Lake Biwa in Omi Province completed in 1579. He also commences the process of disarming peasants.
  • 1577

    Nubunaga Becoming The Minister of The Right

    After having his castle built Nobunaga receives the title of Minister of the Right Udaijin from the emperor.
  • 1579

    Nobunaga Vs Ishiyama Honganji

    Nobunaga troops attack and defeat Ikko troops and supporters in Kii Province, thus cutting off supply routes to Ishiyama Honganji.
    Nobunaga supporters start expanding to lands West of Kyoto.
  • 1580

    Ishiyama Honganji Defeat

    Ishiyama Honganji Defeat
    April 1580 With no supplies no relief in sight, and having received a letter from the emperor advising them to do so, Ishiyama Honganji surrenders to Nobunaga. This ends the power of the Ikko.
  • Battle of Shizugatake

    Battle of Shizugatake
    Hideyoshi defeats Shibata Katsuie who had now turned against him at the battle of Shizugatake in Echizen.
  • Hideyoshi the most powerful leader

    Hideyoshi the most powerful leader
    Hideyoshi comes to terms with Ieyasu and fighting between them stops, Ieyasu retires to Mikawa Province in the east. This makes Hideyoshi the overall power in the country and the leader of most of the country.
  • Hideyoshi now controls all of Kyushu.

    Satsuma surrenders to Hiyeoshi and pledges to support him. In return, Hideyoshi allows them to keep their lands Hideyoshi now controls all of Kyushu. After returning from Kyushu, Hideyoshi issues an order officially banning Christianity and expelling Jesuit missionaries from the country.