Google co founder sergey  008

Sergey Brin

By wilpay1
  • Birth of Sergey Brin

    Sergey was born in Moscow, Russia.
  • Family applys for exit visas

    The year his father applied for exit visas. The rest of the family was sceptical at first, but they agreed with the idea later on. Sergey's parents were fired, so during this time his father learned computer programming and his mother worked temporary jobs.
  • Moving to America

    Because of the segregation of Jews In Soviet Russia, The Brin family moved to America.
  • Enrolled in Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Greenbelt, Maryland

    he took minor computer programming classes and recived high grades.
  • Enrolled in the University of Maryland

  • Graduation

    Sergey Graduated from UM with a Bachelor of Science.
  • Graduate studies

    he entered Stanford for his PhD and Graduate studies.
  • Larry Page

    Larry Page
    Sergey meets Larry Page at a Stanford conference. The start creating the ideas for google and the operating system. They got it working pretty successfully and was given 100,000 dollars from Sun Microchips.
  • Google is launched

    Google is launched
    Google is offically started by Sergey Brin and Larry Page.
  • Married to Anne Wojcicki

    Anne Wojcicki is a biotech analyist.
  • 5 discribing words

    1. Hardworking- Spends many years prefecting the tedious parts of google. 2.Open minded- When he met Larry Page, He did not push him away to get more credit, he accepted him to perfect google. he has put and allowed his google system to be user friendly and actually pretty fun with all of his easter eggs. 4.generous- he has donated a lot of money into the hospital his grandmother is staying at and also a lot towards parkenson's reserch. 5.