John wilson

Secret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson

  • John requests polly's hand in marrage

    John requests polly's hand in marrage
  • John and polly were married

  • John and Polly's boy, george, was born

    John and Polly's boy, george, was born
  • John travels to Canada

    John travels to Canada
    John goes over to Canada and starts off with a job as a bridge builder. John tells Polly that he was only going to be over in Canada for 1 year. He writes letters and sends money home whenever he can. John's drinking habits escalate quite quickly while he is in Canada.
  • John and Polly's daughter is born

    John and Polly's daughter is born
    John left a few months before their second child was born. Polly was hoping that the birth of their daughter would convince John to come home and visit. John never did come back to Scotland to see his daughter.
  • WW1 was declared

    Britain declared war with Germany. Canada was looking for people to help fight in the war. John went and tried to enlist but got turned down because of his lungs. His lungs couldn't handle the pressure that the war or the training itself would put on him
  • John joined the RNWMP

    John joined the RNWMP
    After John was rejected by the Army, he went and Applied for the Royal North West Mounted Police. He was accepted into the force.
  • John goes to Blaine Lake

    John goes to Blaine Lake
  • John meets Jessie

    John was invited for supper one evening and fell in love with Jessie. Jessie was 16 at this time. John soon started to spend all his spare time around her or at their house. He ate multiple meals there.
  • John was diagnosed with Tuberculosis

    John was diagnosed with Tuberculosis
    John was having issues with his lungs while at Blaine lake, so he went to the local physician. john was then diagnosed with Tuberculosis, and lost his job for the time being. During this period of time, Jessie took care of him.
  • John asks Jessie to marry him

  • Polly tells her family about going to Canada to find John

    It was John and Jessie's 10th wedding anniversary and Polly wanted to see John. So Polly decided if John does contact her by April she is going to Canada to find him. She told her family and asked if they would take care of her children when she was gone.
  • Polly and John's 10th wedding anniversary

  • Polly travels to Canada

  • Polly arrives in Halifax

  • Polly arrives in Regina

    When Polly got off the train in Regina and got on the phone with The RNWMP office. She was trying to figure out where she could find John. They forwarded her to the Prince Alberta headquarters, when John heard Polly Talk he was nervous. they made plans to meet in Saskatoon.
  • Polly and John see each other for the first time in 6 years

  • Polly finds out about Jessie and Johns relationship

    Polly finds out about Jessie and Johns relationship
  • John kills Polly

    John kills Polly
    John told Polly that they were moving to new house in Saskatoon. Polly packed up everything she had and took out all the money she had in the bank. John pulled down a trail during their travel, he grabbed the shotgun and shot at the geese that were in front of them. As they started to walk towards the geese, Johns stopped and turned around. he got back to the car and laid down a blanket, seconds later there was a gun shot and Polly's heart rate stopped shortly after.
  • John gets Marriage license

  • John and Jessie get married

    John and Jessie get married
    Two days after John killed Polly, he and Jessie got married. John never did show Jessie his divorce papers but she still married him. They got married in the Knox, Presbyterian church. Jessie's mother did not approve of this wedding, but her brother James seemed to be happy about it.