Sebastian's Roller Skates-Imani Richardson

  • Expostion

    Sabastion is a little boy that is very shy and really dose'nt talk.The setting is in the park in at school.On his way home he always walks through the park.One day he spotted a pair of skates sitting on the bench.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    When Sabastian saw the skates he waited a few minutes to put them on.Afther he waited for a few minutes nobody came.Since no one came he put them on and tried to skate but he fell.He got up and took them off and put them back on the bench and walked away with a sad face.
  • Climax

    The next day he walked home from school he saw the skates still sitting there on the bench.He put them on and stood up.As soon as he took one step he fell.Sabastion took the skates off and walked away slowly with his head down low.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    When Sabastion was walking home from school through the park the skates were still sitting there.He put them on and stood up he took one step and did'nt fall.When a lady's dog got loose he grabbed the leash and the dog started running.Sabastion was holding on so tight he did'nt fall.Both the dog and Sabastion jumped over a ditch and landed safely.When the dog finaly stopped Sabastion was happy and knew how to roller skate.When Sabastion went to the barber shop and to school he had plenty to say.
  • Resolution

    He even asked his crush,Ester to go rolling skating with him and she said yes.He went to the store to buy a new pair of skates.He put the old ones on the same bench so somebody else that was just like him can try the same thing.On that day on he opened his mouth when he needed to and was no longer shy.