Sam Walton: founder of Walmart

By ahmalm
  • when he born and where?

    when he born and where?
    March 29, 1918 in Kingfisher, Oklahoma, U.S
  • Education

    Dived H Hickman High School.
  • His family

    His family
    his wife named Helen Robson. His sons named Rob, John, and Ales.
  • When he found his company and where?

    When he found his company and where?
    July 2, 1962 / Rogers, AR.
  • His awards

    His awards
    He started (Walmart, Sam's club), The college (Sam M, Walton college of Business) named in his honor, from (1982-1988) a magazine named Walton, in 1998 Walton was included in time's list of most people of 20 country.
  • which year he died?

    which year he died?
    He died in April 15, 1992