Oct 23, 1491
His birth
He was born in 1491. -
Aug 30, 1507
He goes to the royal court
He was 16 -
Aug 29, 1521
He was asked to join the battle at the fortress at Pamplona
He was 30 -
Aug 30, 1521
He saw Mary in a dream carrying Jesus
Aug 30, 1521
The cannon ball dislocated his bones so they had to do surgery while he was awake.
Sep 1, 1521
He had a vision that Peter healed him
Sep 2, 1521
Loyola wanted to serve Jesus after he read the bible
Sep 18, 1521
Loyola set off to Montserrat.
Inigo gives all his clothes away
He did it after he wrote a confession for 3 days -
He almost killed himself.
He arrived at Jerusalem his last stop
He gets imprisoned for telling people about God
The prisoners escaped but Loyola and his companions stayed in the prison
He walked 500 miles barefoot to Paris to study
He became best friends with Saint Francis Xavier
He came down with a serious stomach illness
He returned home and helped the homeless
He arrived in Italy and they were ordained priest
Loyola arrived in Vicenza and build a house
He spent 40 days in prayer with his companions
Loyola and his companions split up to preach
Before his first mass he had a vision of Mary
He would always have visions during mass of God.
He gave a priest his journal so he can learn
He died at 65
December 10 1508 -
Inigo stayed at manresa and helped the poor.
The devil tried to trick Inigo by saying God and Marry are lying to him
He made gambling illegal in Loyola and rang a bell every single day 3 times to remind people to pray
One day when he was praying he had a vision that God asked him if he would serve his son Jesus